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The wings, the wings were what scared Taehyung the most when he appeared in the maze. Not that he changed, it were the great black wings.

Wings that could hurt someone.

Wings that could show people what he sees inside of himself.

Just an angel who's fallen from grace.

The wings came back for him in his dreams. Taehyung saw a demonic version of himself, a version cradling a bloody knife in his hand. A demonic version of himself sitting on top of a balcony, with Jimin's body down below, covered in his own blood.


Taehyung woke up in horror, gasping for breath. He looked around the plain white room. He was still in the hospital. Taehyung rubbed his temples and looked at the clock on the wall. 1:21 AM. Taehyung blinked slowly and laid back down in bed.

He stared at the ceiling for a good while. Maybe Jimin was awake. He could ask him how he was doing. No. He shouldn't bother him. Jimin will be visiting in the morning. Maybe he could even try bringing Yeontan. God Taehyung missed his little Tannie.

Taehyung tried going back to sleep.

But he feared that the nightmare would come back.

The nightmare the voices told him would become his reality...


Yoobin looked at the files she bought. She was almost ready. Soon her theory will come into place. Yoobin knows her emotional baggage, but how will she find out about the others?

She can't just walk up to them and ask about their emotional problems on a whim, that would be both weird, creepy, and invading on personal privacy.

Yoobin needed to find another way.

Maybe she could ask their friends. But what if they don't talk about their emotional problems with them.

Oh boy, this is going to be difficult. Yoobin took a sip of her coffee and looked out her window. She saw a flash of black and then it was gone. Yoobin blinked and rubbed her eyes. It was late, maybe she was just tired. Maybe whatever was outside was just a cat.

Yoobin hoped so.

A/N: Welcome back old readers and if you're a new reader who hasn't read Disappearing Act yet, go do so. This is the sequel to it where we'll be exploring the recovery of our main characters after the events of the maze and what really happened in there. Probably won't be as scary as some of the chapters in Disappearing Act but we'll see. I look forward to seeing your comments! -Lana

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