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author's note: this part took me so long to write because i planned for azumi to realize she likes kenma and then the story to end but i just experienced a really bad date and now i want to be evil 😌
also it is hard to focus on writing because i live in ~the US~ and the black lives matter movement has taken all my attention so thank u for being patient with the slower updates
if u haven't already supported, i have linked a helpful twitter thread in my bio that has lots of petitions and places to donate please check it out :)

Sketch your go-to daydream.

Azumi had spent the first three weeks of the new semester, doing exactly what she had done all of her previous semesters. She dozed off in class, paid attention to anything but the teacher, and relied on Haruka's help to pass... everything.

Tamaki no longer talked to her in class, instead choosing to engage in small conversations any other time– such as in the hall, or especially during art club meetings.

Azumi enjoyed the new dynamic, and it allowed her to stay asleep for much longer during class.

Which isn't a good thing! Is what Haru would say.

Ms. Okinawa seemed to have given up on her, or at least chose to fight other demons so early in the semester. Most likely she was saving her energy for the real scolding at the end of the semester.

Something is definitely up with Kenma though.

Azumi looked away from the window for a moment, dropping her hand that propped her chin up and letting it smack her desk quietly. She looked to the front to watch the back of Kenma's head, which sat unmoving as he stared to the front of the room.

I wonder what he thinks about during class. Don't tell me he pays attention.

After realizing that she had stared long enough for him to feel her gaze burning the back of his head, Azumi quickly shook her head and turned to look down at the worksheet the teacher had handed out.

Stoichiometry? Gas laws?

...Kuroo actually finds this stuff interesting?

"This is where the fun stuff starts, everyone." The Chemistry teacher spoke enthusiastically from the front of the room, and Azumi sighed to herself before looking out of the window again.

Doubt that.

• • •

"Stoichiometry is the coolest! It's just like solving a puzzle with math." Kuroo waved his arms in demonstration as he sat across from the three second years at lunch. "Really it's just the Algebra of Chem–"

"Do you think he realizes who he is talking to?" Kyo whispered from his right, and Kuroo turned to narrow his eyes at him and Lev as he laughed in response.

"I'm talking to the influential youth of today. If I don't convince them Chemistry is cool, who will?" Kuroo preached, placing his hand on his chest before quickly drooping. "Whatever."

"We're literally only a year below you, stop calling us the youth." Haruka spoke amidst her chewing, and Azumi laughed quietly to herself from her side.

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