bonus 3.

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Imagine your future. Sketch what you see.

"Haru's less than a minute away," Azumi announced, looking up from her phone at Kyo, Lev, Kuroo, and Kenma.

"She thinks she can just show up fashionably late." Kuroo huffed, crossing his arms as he sat between the two couples.

Lev and Kyo laughed at his words, and Kuroo turned to narrow his eyes at them before a knock sounded at the door.

"Got it," Kenma spoke up, immediately standing and going to open the door for Haruka to join them.

He walked back into the living room, standing awkwardly as Haruka trailed in with a woman behind her, making Azumi look to her with confusion.

"Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late, you'll never guess who I ran into on the way here!" Haruka smiled at the group that had risen from the couch to offer her their greetings.

She traveled around the group, sharing small hugs before continuing, "I saw Tamaki! So we caught up for a bit. Did you know he has a whole wife now? He was in a rush to grab some things before work so I couldn't call you guys to see him, but he looked so good! Cleaned up very nicely."

"Haruka, who's that?" Kuroo interrupted, looking to the woman who trailed behind her awkwardly.

"Oh! Sorry, Tamaki distracted me." She laughed, moving to stand next to her and place an arm around her waist. "This is my girlfriend, Nori."

Azumi gasped, while Kuroo rested his hand against his chest for dramatic effect. Kenma went to sit back down with a shake of his head, and Lev and Kyo began laughing loudly.

"It sure feels powerful knowing things beforehand," Kyo shrugged, smiling as Lev rested his head on top of his, nodding in agreement and ruining his hair.

"I thought you liked me?" Kuroo joked, and Haruka rolled her eyes before taking the loveseat across from the group on the couch, allowing the group to wave and say hello to the new addition.

"Find another joke, you old man. How does it feel to be the only single one here?"

"It hurts, thank you very much." Kuroo frowned, opening his laptop and placing it on the coffee table between them. "Anyway, now that you finally decided to show up, we can get to work."

"You mean time for me to save this wedding from the disaster you will try to make it." Haruka fought back, taking a few photo albums from Nori's hands and slamming them onto the table.

Azumi looked between Kuroo and Haruka with a growing scared expression, turning to whisper to Kenma quietly, "was this a good idea?"

"I hired an actual wedding planner. Just let them feel involved." He smiled back at her, leaning back into the couch and taking out his phone to check his email.

Azumi sighed happily as she leaned back against her fiancé, looking past her two loud friends to watch as Lev and Kyo giggled together.

"Red! It's always red! It fits our theme, and we already know Kenma looks good in red!" Kuroo yelled, growing heated at the debate and capturing Azumi's attention.

"May I remind you, Azu's hair is literally orange? Kenma's hair is all black again, so he'll match with anything. Also, what kind of wedding color is red? When baby blue exists?" Haruka shot back, and Azumi widened her eyes at the two.

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