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He came closer to me, looking into my eyes deeply, hovering me completely.

"Alana..? "  He said.

I nodded, getting annoyed by his random movements.
" Yes? "

"Have you eaten breakfast? " He asked sternly. "I heard that you didn't eat"

I just look at him, nodding.

"Yeah, I had no time"

"Well if you'd wake up on time you'd have time. Learn to manage your shit. "
He said as he sat on my chair.

Why does he always have to be so strict?

"You're excused to go to the cafeteria to eat something. 15 minutes only. Can you at least do that in time? "
He asked, raising his eyebrow and getting up leaving my office.

As I rush to the cafeteria I check on my phone, seeing the texts from MiSo:

- heyyy, since the weekend is near,
  why don't you call Kook and
  Lisa to come over? 

                                        Love the idea! X   -


As I was texting her, I bump on someone, looking up in shock.

"Oh my god I am so sorry I didn't mean-"
I try to justify myself.

The tall male gave me a bright reassuring smile, shaking his head.

"Don't worry about it, it happens, now go where you were going"

"Thank you Mister Hoseok" I bow and keep walking.

Hoseok is Taehyung's brother, but surprisingly they're the opposites of each other. He's always bright and reasonable.
Even though when it comes to business he is quite stern.


The rest of the day went by, it was Friday so the others had to leave early... Except for me of course. I'm the secretary and I leave when the boss leaves.

It was around 4 PM when I was signing the last papers, handing them to Taehyung.

He checked them carefully, and then turned his eyes on me.

"You could've done these more earlier, but maybe you like your boss's presence too much" He smirked, raising an eyebrow.

I just rolled my eyes.

He let out a short breath.
"You're free to go. Make sure to come on time tomorrow. "

I bow and finally leave.
I call Lisa and Jungkook to tell them about the night at my house, as I go to the supermarket to buy some food.

I arrived home around 7 PM, as I opened the door, finding MiSo watching TV.

"Hey MiSo"
I say, throwing myself on the couch next to her.

"I hate, hate HATE my boss. He's so.. UGH! "
I huff, hissing at the thought of him

"You mean... Hot? Intimidating? MYSTERIOUS? Cuz I'd kill to be his secretary, just to be around him.. "

I look at MiSo disgusted, throwing a pillow at her as I get up to take a shower.

I finish getting ready when the doorbell rings, as Lisa and Jungkook get in, hugging both of us.

"It's finally weekend bitches we about to get lit" Lisa said holding a bottle of vodka.

We laugh and the night begins.
We start to drink.. No, I mean THEY start to drink, I personally don't like alcohol, so as they get tipsy, they all start to laugh and to play music.

Lisa takes a shot, and declares.

"Let's take a shot, for me and my boyfriends active sex life! " She says, holding the glass up, as she hiccups.

"... Lisa, you don't have a boyf-"


I giggle and look at jungkook
"She has a boyfriend Kook"

The night continues as we all make jokes, gossip and talk about stuff in general.

MiSo suddenly gets an idea, and gets the book of phone numbers for Seoul.

"MiSo.. What are you doing? "

"Let's play a game~ " She wiggles her eyebrows.  " I guess we all know the number neighbor game huh..? "

We all nodded.

So we began.

Lisa wanted to call her number neighbor which turned out to be a 50 year old man.

"It's my boyfriend" She whispered.

I was too shy to call.. So at least I'd try to text the number.
I was writing down the number on a peace of paper, when I get a new message from my work number.

"Welp that's weird" I mumbled, looking at the clock.

It's 10 PM..

.. What can it be?

I open the message and see Taehyung's work number.


                           Mr. Taehyung

- This is important. I want you at the office in an hour. 
                                        What? But it's so late!-

- Do as I say and come
  to work.


This piece of shit

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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