Young Forever

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I do not know how fast time passes by

but all I know, from the very first moment

that I was caught by your loving arms,

I know time will never come between us

to separate our hearts

into two different roads.

I do remember our childhood

when we used to be the best of friends,

we were lying on the grass,

while watching those beautiful stars, 

waiting for them to fall for us,

but as we believed in each other’s side

and knew each other better,

I think I was the one

who have fallen in love with you.

After fifty years of marriage

love is always there to remind me

that it is a wonderful gift

to have a chance to live with you

to create memories that I can keep

whenever you would sail oceans apart.

I thought time will not be too rude to us,

but I was only mistaken!

And now, my wishes and prayers are too late

for Him to hear,

but I really want to be young forever,

for even if I will grow old with you,

there will be a day that it is either you 

who will be left behind or it is I,

for even if I will grow old with you,

I know time will never be stopped anymore

from separating our hearts

into two different roads.

Penned Words (Compilation of my Poems)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon