Chapter 1

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"Oh hello, my name is Harry please do not hurt my friends" I tell the snake. "Hello there" the snake says. "I am really hungry can you get me some rats?" the snake replied. "I will see what I can find" I said. "I wouldn't see the point in harming those humans I don't need to. I need a master anyways to give me orders and the one that created me is quite stupid" the snake replied. Then he continued to talk "he can't tell me what to do because he will not be able to communicate with me. There are only a few who can. So will you be my master? You also need to give me a name"

"Sure, your name will be Hades. (A/N: I couldn't help myself. I had to put mythology in there somewhere) Please slither to me and do not hurt anyone unless I say otherwise ok?." I reply. "Yes master." He said.

I realized everyone was staring at me from far away. "What?" I ask.

"You just talked to a snake... and it obeyed you" said Justin.

"Well yeah... I did. I am also its master now. I also named him as he was just created a few minutes ago. His name is Hades. He is also not a threat unless I want him to hurt someone".

Everyone backed away more. "Relax I will not tell him to hurt you. He is a very loyal creature... of course not like the Hufflepuffs but Slytherin has there own types of loyalty. I honestly don't know how I know this. Or why I am telling you this. Oh well. Good bye people." I then walked out if the room. 

Everyone just stood their dumbstruck after that. I am thinking of resorting to Slytherin. I also have to talk to Tom. I know he is Voldemort bit actually he's not that evil when he's younger. I told him what he did and he hated himself. He doesn't go by Voldemort. I am not sure but I think this was his axtual past so he didn't know about it. I also nned to name the basilisk.

Ok, that's it for now. This is going to be Harry x Tom Riddle. I won't put them together until Harry is older. I don't have enough ideas yet to write more so you will have to wait. Actually I have a question: 

Do you want me to continue this story?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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