chapter one

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    School right now is online for every one in the world right now because of a contagious virus. Because of the virus, people are advised to stay at least six feet apart and to stay in groups was than ten. They are also advised to stay inside but its okay to get out sometimes.
    This virus has given Camille all the time in the world to watch her shows and read and drawn but she gets bored of that sometimes.
    Her parents are kind enough to let Camille go out on her own as long as she has her phone on her so she texted Madi to see if she could come over. She could.
    When she got to Madi's house they talked for a while, but not before being thoroughly degermed by Madi's mom. After a while they started to get hungry, so they decided to go to order some food from the little bakery that was about a 25 minute walk from Madi's place. Once they ordered the food, they started walking to the shop.
    After about 15 minutes into their walk through uneven streets, Camille said," I can't go on any longer."
     So they satcc CB he not walked for that long since the pacer test in PE and she was exhausted.
    When they were sitting and talking while watching cars go by, they heard a noise coming from some bushes behind them. They heard rustling of leaves, but they just brushed it off because, it's outside, there are bound to be different animals in the bushes.
The girls eventually got to the bakery and got their food and drinks and started to head to the park a few blocks away to eat and talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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