The Wind

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I listened to the whispery sound of the wind

as the light warm breeze penetrated my senses.

How can I like the wind?

I wondered, as I stretched out my arms out

surrendering myself the whirlwind of air

as it embraced me.

There it was again, the whisper of the wind.

A song of care-free-ness and uncaged. 

Like an instrument, the trees rustled,

creating the music to the song of the wind.

I let myself go and danced to the melody.

I twirled around, moved my hips to the soft beats.

My arms flowed  in an angelic motion.

In that moment I dance the dance of freedom,

with thw wind as my guide.

(This poem is not complete just yet but I wanted to put it out their to see what you guys think. So if you read it, a comment would be awesome. Thanks) 

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