Chapter 1 -Edited-

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A/N- I now have an editor and co-author!! <3 Draconis2_5! Thank you dear!


Chapter 1

I lay there outside my pack’s cave, waiting for the hunting party to return.  Being an omega had some perks but really it just showed I was one of the pack’s bitches.  My white fur glowed in the moonlight as I sat up when I heard the sound of footsteps.  Ears perked up, I quickly rolled to my back to show my soft underside and bared my neck to the Alpha, his Beta, and the other high ranking wolves as they passed by.

“Welcome back,” I said softly.  Alpha Jackson looked down at me with a smirk.  “Good boy, Lexson.  Go tell everyone that we are having a feast tonight.  The hunt went well.”  I quickly turn over onto my feet and raced off inside the cave to tell the pack.  Even if they wouldn’t listen, I had to obey.

Walking into the cave, I could smell pack members who were higher than me in rank.  Their dominance made me want to show my belly and neck in submission.  But I resisted the urge.  “Alpha Jackson and the hunting party have returned and wish for everyone to know of the feast tonight!” I yelled out to everyone.  When a few people started to look at me I cowed down into the dirt whining.

I was a pathetic wolf, my pure white fur was desirable to the males but no one went after me due to my age.  But it wasn’t going to last, being sixteen in a couple of months. It meant I would have to submit to a mate.  I was so excited to finally be claimed, yet…I was scared that my Alpha would give me to a bad mate.  Oh, did I mention the Alpha chooses mate for us omegas?  It was because the other males would take advantage of us because we were so submissive.  So the Alpha took it upon himself to give us to our new mates when we reach sixteen.

As everyone passed, I rolled onto my back with the other omegas laying next to me as we waited our turn to eat.  Like in an ordinary wolf pack, the pecking order for food trickled down from the most dominant to the least, which meant the omegas got the leftovers after everyone had their fill.  As the Alpha, Beta and other higher ranks left after their meal, the omegas and I crawled over to the carcasses and began pulling pieces of meat off the bones.  The raw bloody flavor of deer was always my favorite.  I picked off pieces and ran to my bedding on the floor in the general area where the omegas were designated to sleep.  After I had stuffed myself, I laid down in my furs and instantly fell asleep.

~The Next Morning~

Cuddling into the furs I lifted my head, looking around.  Seeing that the other omega were already up and cleaning after the pack, I jumped up and dashed to the natural hot springs, hidden deep within the cave.  Hearing nothing, I sank into the hot water, my fur unknotting and softly dancing to the rhythm of the slight underwater current.  Taking a bar of soap, I lathered myself up from toes to neck and washed my pure white fur.  It was both a gift and a curse, my fur.  Typically, werewolves who had white fur were cherished.  But due to the identity of my parents, I was more of a burden than a treasure.

Sighing I leaned back washing my head.  I reveled in the feel of dunking my head under the water.  But when I came back up for air, I was faced with three of the older dominants.  Rex, Yolin, and Liam.   Yolin strutted in, all his pitch black fur groomed to perfection.  What else was expected of the Beta?  His fur, though, wasn't the only thing that was black.  His personality was as black as they came.  I hated it when he caught me alone or with the other omegas.  I was often left in tears.   Rex was the exact opposite of Yolin...unless he was with Yolin.  Whenever I ran into Rex alone, he was always very polite and helpful.  Honestly, I've had a small crush on Rex.  There was something about the way he acted.  I guess it was because he was third in command that gave him a more approachable aura.  Whatever it was, I always loved looking at his stoic face, his dark red-wine hair.   Liam, though, I didn't know quite so well.  He was always silent whenever I met him.  I didn't know if his speechlessness was by choice or not, but I did know that he did not have a mate...and I've always noticed how often he looked to Rex whenever someone asked him a question.

I let out a small whimper.  “I didn’t think anyone would be here.  I’m sorry.  I’ll leave, now,” I muttered as I tried to stand up out of the hot spring.  My fur clung to my slim, short body.  Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me toward the three dominant wolves.  With a whine, I looked up, staring directly into their faces.

Looking up at them, my tail slid between my legs.  “I’m so sorry,” I whined, loud enough for them to just barely hear me.

They stared down at me.  Yolin grabbed my ear and yanked me even closer to him.  “What should we do to this ugly little omega, guys?” he says, almost laughing at me.

=Rex’s POV=

Looking down at Lexon, I felt bad for him.  He was such a beautiful wolf, super sweet, and obedient as any dominant could dream.  I mean, look at his fur!  He must be the whitest wolf in the whole pack.  “Just let him be, Yolin.  He didn’t do anything wrong,” I say, hoping the Beta would just let the boy go.

“Why?  He is an omega.  We can do whatever we please with the little shit,” Yolin commented in a harsh tone.

“Alpha Jackson won’t go for that, Yolin!  You know he is protective of the omegas.  He doesn’t want them getting abused or mated.  He uses them to make alliances!  He would have our asses if we touched this one!” I stated back.

=Yolin’s POV=

Grunting, I knew Rex was right.  All I really wanted to do was to play around and scare the little bitch.  Just once.  He was always hiding behind Alpha Jackson.  And the Alpha lets him!  I didn’t understand why Jackson didn’t just make this little omega his!  He is such a gorgeous boy.  I mean, that’s the purest white fur ever!  Even whiter than Lacey, Alpha Jackson’s mother.  And she was as white as they come.

“Come on!  Let’s just scare him a bit, boys!  Then we can leave him running for Alpha,” I stated and they both nodded in agreement, knowing they couldn’t really argue with their Beta.

Pushing Lexson’s head toward my crotch, I grunted, “You ever suck a dick, boy?”

He looked up at me with those ice blue eyes that just managed to melt my heart.  “N-n-n…no, Sir,” he stutters with his pathetic little voice.  He really was just a submissive little thing.

Pulling on Lexson’s arm, I made him stand up and look at me.

 Lexson's POV

I almost buckled under his gaze.  Shaking, I started to whimper and whine louder.  “Please let me go, Yolin…I won’t get in your way ever again.  I promise,” I stammer to him softly in hopes he would stop tormenting me.

Then I felt him grab me by the neck and toss me back into the water.  As I broke the surface, gasping for breath, I heard them leave me there, laughing all the way.  I pulled myself to the edge of the hot springs, gagging on the water.  Panting, I got out and simply lay there, a wet, little ball of white fur curled up in the corner of the bathing room. Crying.  I knew this wasn’t going to be the last time he got close to me.  But I couldn’t decide if I should tell Alpha Jackson or not.  I don’t think he would believe me…

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