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Author's note/s: So, this my first Beastars fanfic that I'll be writing so I hope that I'll do justice with Melon's personality here. Basically, Melon's mom didn't predate his dad here, Gazelle dad just left him and his mom when he was too young to remember. Leave a comment on how I could improve my writing and what you think about this first part!


    Was the sound the ball made as it hit the concrete wall behind him. As the other carnivore kids laughed at his misfortune, he couldn't stop himself from thanking his herbivore instinct to dodge every threat that came too close to hurting him. Which made him sick and furious at himself, as his tiny, leopard claws squeezed at his palm.

    "Why don't you aim better! He'll dodge everything you throw at him!" They goaded, as they shouted and laughed at him more. Despite his anger, he found himself unable to fight back against his assailants, his small frame shacking and huddling into a tiny ball.

    This kind of bullying towards him began ever since the first semester in his school; when he got high scores on every quiz, when he was able to answer every recitation with correct answers, he became the target of the carnivore kids in his class who got low grades. In a way, they did to 'blow off steam' that they'd accumulated during classes. That, and he was a hybrid, a 'freak' as they would call him whenever he would walk hurriedly across a corridor, to avoid getting unwanted attention.

    That strategy obviously doesn't work anymore.

    "You know, this so convenient. You're not a herbivore, and you're not one of us either." One of the bullies said, as they glared at him menacingly.

    "No one's gonna care if we pick on y—" before the bully who was speaking could finish, a ball, similar to that the bullies threw at him, suddenly struck the side of the kid's head. Everyone went quiet, confused as to who would have thrown the ball at one of them, including Melon.

    As the kids turned in unison, one of them stepped to side, which gave Melon a clear enough view to look at the one who threw the ball at one of his assailants.

    A tawny-colored doe was looking at each of the bullies with defiant, brown eyes, her mouth in the shape of a frown. Her small fists were curled up at her sides, as she began to speak in a taut, orotund voice.

    "Leave him alone! Just because he looks different than you guys doesn't give you the right to hurt him!" She yelled at them. Melon looked at her with wide eyes, wondering why would anyone bother with helping him.

    "And why should we listen to another hybrid anyways?" One of the bullies retorted back at her, the others sneering back.

    "Hybrid?" Melon thought, as he strained to get a better look at his mysterious savior. As she took a couple steps closer towards the leader of the bullies, he could now see that she had tiny fangs that glistened under the sunlight, which were bared as she approached the bullies. As she unfolded her curled fists, he noticed her under-developed claws, which were pointed enough to distinguish them from those of a herbivore's tamed nails.

    "And what if I told the teachers about what you're doing to him every recess?" She threatened, as she stepped closer towards them. Despite the angry expression on her features, she didn't bare her fangs at them.

    "And what if they won't care what we do to him, and to you?" One of the bullies retorted, sneering at her. "The teachers won't care about what happens to you hybrids."

    "You're probably right," she said thoughtfully, as she stopped right in front of the supposed leader of the bullies. "Then I guess they woudn't mind me causing a bit of trouble to rescue him." As she finished what she was saying, she maneuvered around the bully before he could react, reaching for Melon's hand. She gripped his hand as she got him up on his feet.

Beastars AU - Good Melon, with just a pinch of evilWhere stories live. Discover now