Chapter 15

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        "What just happened in here?"Zander said.I told him everything."when he wakes up I'm going to kill him."he murmured.

        "Can we go to bed I've had a very long day."We put that guy on his bed and called the housemaid to clean up the mess.I took off my boot and crawled into bed. Zander got on my floor and told me goodnight.I slowly drifted off to sleep,and had the weirdest dream,that really scared me I was in this white dress and there was a lot of wind in a foggy place.Zander appeared from out of the smoke then shortly Kyle did too.They were both shirtless.(weird right.)At the both time they stepped towards me and said "choose."Then Kyle disappeared then all of a sudden zander started kissing me then he fell time the floor and disappeared.Kyle replaced him.Then the same thing happened.I stood the e'er in the fog crying and felt a hand on each shoulder.I turned around and they were both there as they said "I love you."I awoke with a tiny scream.I looked at zander he was at peace sound asleep.At least someone is.I got out of bed and crawled in with him and he woke up.

         "Why are you over here"

         "Bad dream."

         "About what?"


         "What choices."

         "Uh... nothing important."

         "OK"he said softly.He hugged me and then fell asleep and soon after so did I.I slept wiring no more dreams but I woke up with a shaking Hailey was shaking me awake

         "Get up get up get up get 'up!"she screamed whispered. My eyes opened and she said."your dad's coming up stares get in your own bed and act like your sleeping go go go"she quietly screamed.I ran and jumped into my bed got the covers over me and fake fell asleep.Hailey shook zander until he was awake and made him hide in the walk-in closet.I heard the door open I acted like I  just woke up.

         "Hey dad"I said sleepily.

         "Hey peanut.The Kertz  are making breakfast can you get dressed and join us."

         "That sounds delightful daddy I'll be there."I smiled he turned to leave and turned back  around.

         "Zander you should join us.I know your in the closet."he popped out of the closet.

         "How did you know and... why aren't you mad."

         "Because I was 13 once too and I saw other blankets on her floor,so I stayed in the closet until you both fell asleep.I'm not mad because their really isn't anything to be mad about your not really one of those bad boys zander,If you were in her bed I'd murder you.But you weren't and I am starting to like you so don't worry about that unless you've done somthing really bad sleeping on ther floor didn't really bother me."

         Zander smiled "thank you Mr Flatt."

         "What was that?"he said.

         "Thank you Jim."

         "That's more like it.Now you get out of here so Kim can get dressed."he nodded and jogged out of the room.

         "Are you just trying to like him because I'm in love."

         "You know it.If you werent as in love I'd rip his head off."I smiled and so did he.He eventually left my room and I remembered I left my cloths suitcase at home by accident. Hailey must have noticed because she said,

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