Chapter 23

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      "Penny what's wrong"I asked alarmed.She showed me a video on her phone this blew me away.It was a video of her singing back at school for the talent show.Then she showed me the comments.


           basketballismylife27:pretty voice,ugly face.
           Dylanrockseverything:yah Ikr she looks like she was deformed twice.
           Kyleluvsya:judge her again I will personally kick the crap out of you.And get a life where your comments actually make sense.
       "What a bunch of loosers."

       "Its not that,read the third one again"She said happily tearing up.I read it again.I looked up confused.

       "Yes that's nice why are you so worked up about this."

       "Who wrote it?"I gasped as I read the name kyleluvsya .I let out a long awwwww!She smiled but after a couple seconds lator her smile faded."then I read the first one again,I wanted to do somthing nice for him but im not even good enough."I thaught about it for a minute then a little lightbulb flickered on.

       "we're going to make you look irrasistable.I should be out this afternoon so ill ask hailey if you can use her clothes and ill make you over."I sat up and she hugged me."we just need someone to distract him and hang out with him all day."We looked at zander.

       "Fine."he said.

       "Thanks babe."I said cutely.

       "What ever I'll go now"he said glumly.He started to walk out the door,

       "uh hello!"He smiled slightly and kissed me.

       "I gotta go.I love you" He said softly.

       "Thats better.I love you too.See you later."

       "I miss you already."I giggled softly.He kissed me one more time and left.Me and penny played with the puppies and talked for a couple hours and the nurse walked in.She did a tiny check up and took out my iv."Be very careful for the next two weeks and you'll be ok."She said.Me and penny walked to my room and found haily sitting on her bed.We told her about my plan and she said,

        "Yeah you can borrow some clothes!we're going to make you so sexy!"I grabbed a sparkley black mini dress.She put it on and I zipped up the back.

         "Your making me wear this?!"Penny yelled.

         "Have you seen yourself?"I said.She walked over to the mirror.

         "Woah."She said wih her mouth wide open."Ok where's the rest?"

         "well let's find some shoes..."

         "No sweater or stockings?!"I laughed.

         "No."I giggled.I grabbed a pair of black sparkley 6 inch heels. She put them on and I pushed her to the mirror.She sat down and I pouffed her hair up so it had a nice volume and curl.Next I took her glasses off and did her make up.

          "I need my contacts!"She said.

          "Here I've got some."Hailey said.Penny put two in her eyes and said,

          "I dont even know who this is."She said staring at her reflection.

          "Thats you on the inside.Now lets go put you somewhere where he'll find  you."She nodded.We put her in his room on his couch.We told her how to pose and I called zander.


          "she's ready."

          "got it we'll be there in half an hour."

          "see ya here,love you."

          "Love you more."I laughed and said,

          "Bye zander."

          "Bye"I hung up.

          "Ok you made me dress up in this crap now its your turn."Penny said.she got up.She pushed me into my room and made me wear a pair on hot pants and a low cut red tanktop.

           "No."I said agrivated.

           "Yes" she said amused.

           "Fine."I said a little ticked off.She straitend my hair and pulled it to the side and hailey did ny make up.I glared at her.She smiled back at me.I had to laugh.We watched out the window for them to come home and about fifteen minutes later.Penny ran into his room and I ran into zander's.I got behind the door and put my hand on my hip.I closed the door and waited.The door opened and I stood there in that postion.He sat on his bed and didn't even notice I was there.He just sat there and stared at the ceiling.I cleared my throat.He looked over at me alarmed.

          "Am I dreaming?"He asked slowly.

          "No,you are not."

          "I thaught the plan was just for penny."

          "It was.She thaught it was unfair I didn't dress up."He laughed,

          "I was thinking the same thing."I didnt get a hug when I got home come here."I shrugged and walked over to him.I hugged him and he kissed me.From one short kiss,more came,longer,deeper kisses anyone would enjoy.

          Ok people im not publoshing another chapter untill I get 1 comment.PLEAASSE COMMENT!I want to know what you think.Suggestions,or just your opinon please,please,please,please,
PLEASE COMMENT!peace out:p

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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