Chapter 19

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Henry's POV

We're at the "look out", its on the second floor of the function hall where Jennie and her band will meet their fans.

The hall was wide but their fans are just too many making the space small and crowded.

"Wow.. my daughter in law is so popular." Aunt Victoria said at my side while leaning on the railings and looking down on the crowd waiting for the band to arrive.

"You're calling her daughter in law already?" Surprised.

"Because she's supposed to be till you ruined it." Giving me a deadly gaze making me smile awkwardly and scratch my head.

"Mom don't scare Henry. Everybody makes mistakes." My bestfriend said saving me from his mom's wrath.

Just then Lisa and Jisoo arrived and Aunt Victoria immediately greeted them with excitement in her eyes. Maybe she's hoping some progress and good news. Making Uncle Marco smirked and shake his head at his wife's Behavior.

"Hello you two.. did you have a nice sleep last night?" She asked making Sandara roll her eyes. "Nice" means having a first scoop of the news.

Lisa just shrugged in response and grabbed herself some coffee. That means it didn't go well perhaps, making Aunt Vicky glared at me. Shit.

Then Lisa moved to the railings and looked down while sipping on her coffee.  Jisoo also leaned on the railings beside Lisa having whispered conversations.

The shout of the fans pulled my attention down to the event. Double doors opened and my beautiful daughter emerged walking like a goddess, captivating people's heart along with her band.

They were ushered to their seats and Jennie was settled at the center of the boys.

"She's so stunning!" Aunt Vicky complemented with wide smile on her lips, looking down at Jennie like she's the most precious thing in the world.

Well indeed she is.

Then the meet and greet started. My daughter interacted with her fans well smiling and talking to them. When her eyes landed on a 4 years old girl and a girl with a wheelchair.

Suddenly she called her manager's attention and whispered something to him. Base on her expression it means they are now having an argument. She stood up and walked down the stage, making her bands looked confused and her manager fuming mad. The guards quickly followed her. The fans were shocked when she stepped out of the boundaries making them all scream.

"My stubborn child." I whispered with a smirk glancing at Lisa who looked worried at the mob fans ready to devour Jennie.

But then the fans respected her and didn't try to harass her in fact they let her pass through as she weave towards the kids.

When she finally reached them she kneeled down to the shock fans and smiled, then sweetly talking to them.

"Awwweee.... beautiful inside and out." Aunt commented with adoration in her voice.

Lisa look at the scene with a lovely smile in her face. Eyes full of love, longing and amazement towards my daughter.

I was so stupid to broke them both. I prayed to the heavens that I'm not too late to do things right.

Fans praised her when she picked up the little girl and carried her. She signed the girl's wheelchair and put a peck on her forehead. Now other band members are following her lead and merged with the crowd.

"She's perfect to be a mother. Don't you think so Lisa?"  Aunt asked her daughter trying to fish out some information again.

"Indeed she is.. she's perfect." Lisa answered almost out of breath with a soft smile on her lips not removing her eyes on my daughter.

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