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It didn't take long to find Jaxon and Meghan Hart on Google. Their names are everywhere, shining on the search engine like a freaking neon sign. Apparently my parents didn't account for my biological parents to be criminals.

Meghan Hart and Jaxon Hart arrested for murder and accessory to murder.

There's several more articles like this one. But I have been reading that title over and over again, trying to wrap my brain around what I am doing. I look up at the glowing neon sign above a diner, Rhythm's #1 Restaurant. I mean it can't be that good of a restaurant because according to Google it's the only restaurant in Rhythm.

I get out of my car and walk over to the glass doors, pushing them open to see a 50s themed diner. Actually, it might not be themes at all and the 50s decor is actually from the 50s, probably the last time this place has been decorated.

"Can I help you?" A lady at the counter asks me as I continue to look at the old decor. She looks like she hates me, and the entire diner stops eating to look at me. Ok Bailey. You got this. It's a small town, they can't hurt you.

"Um...yes...I. Um. I'm looking for Meghan and Jaxon Hart." I blurt out it so fast after stumbling that ain't nearly choke on Jaxon's name.

I feel a chill run down my spine when the entire diner stares at me in shock. One guy stands from the table and narrows his eyes, "what do you want with them?"

"That's personal," I don't know why I'm defensive all of a sudden, and annoyed, but this guy is acting all tuff and I hate when guys do that. Like how do they not hear the toxic masculinity that's radiating off them like smoke.

"Stay away from them." The toxic make tells me.

"Is that a threat?" I have no idea what's going on with me, but I feel like these people are calling me weak. I am anything but.

"No it's a warning. The Hart's they're bad news. You'd be dumb to walk into their property." Suddenly I feel like running away from this horrible choice I made. But I want, no I need to know where I come from.

"That's going to be hard considering their blood runs through my veins. The Hart's as you call them, are my biological parents and I'm here to learn where I come from." How's that for personal.

The entire diner feels cold, like the warmth was sucked out by a vacuum. Everyone who started eating after toxic male's warning to me had dropped their forks and knives with a clank. I swallow, "where do I find Meghan and Jaxon Hart." I hesitate, "please."

"You're a Hart?" The lady behind the counter asks me with fear and confusion as she looks me up and down. She seems to narrow her eyes at my Calvin Klein jeans and Brandy Melville white crop top that sits above my belly button.

"Yes and no." I tell her with a sad expression. I'm not sure how to answer her, truly I don't know if I should be considered a Hart if I wasn't raised a Hart but a Young.

"The garage on West Street. It's about 5 minutes from here, in the centre of the town." I look over to a booth that sits two bigger guys. They have black jackets on and I can only see the first word on the back, North. North what?

"Thanks." I say and quickly walk out of the diner and sit back in my BMW. I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding in and start pacing my heart beat.

Holy shit. Where am I?

This entire town is in on some business that I have no part in. I should turn around. No I can't, my entire life I've felt like an outsider, this is my only chance to find out who I am and where I belong in this world. But what if that guy was right, what if the Hart's are dangerous? What if they hurt me?

Would they hurt family? I guess that's the thing. I'm technically not their family.

God I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster hearing the click click click just before I'm about to plummet. Should I turn around? Fuck.

My mind jumps when my phone starts ringing and I nearly throw it out the window with the loud interruption. I sigh at the name that pops up, Mom. I have this sudden urge to change her name to Mary Young. Mom just doesn't sound right to me anymore.

Still, I pick it up, "hello?"

"Jesus Bay! Where are you?" I pull the phone from my ear when I hear her shouting.

"I'm fine." I tell her.

"I don't care if you're in a ditch. Where are you?" She seemed to stop shouting, for now.

If I tell her, she'll make me come home and I need to do this. She can't know, "I'm at Lizzie's. Sorry I didn't mean to freak you out I just needed some space. I'll come back, but for now I need to be with my best friend."

My mom sighs, "ok. But please come home. I know it's hard but we love you baby and nothing will change that." My heart clenches from hearing her say she loves me. Even if she's not my biological mom, I feel like I'm betraying her.

"I love you too." A lonely tear drags down my warm cheek and I reach up to catch it.

When I hang up the phone I grab the steering wheel to brace myself. Then as if remembering my own lie I jump for my cell again, "LIZZIE!"

"Jesus Bailey, I almost lost my hearing. Why are you screaming?" Lizzie says.

"Sorry, I need you to cover for me. If my parents text you say I'm with you ok?" Since we were little Lizzie and I have been best friends. We call each other masterminds when it comes to covering each other. Whenever Lizzie wants to see a guy, she's always at my place and vice versa. To make sure we never get caught, we made sure our parents never became close, so they never got each other's numbers. It stops them from finding out the truth and freaking about out whereabouts.

"Oh shit. Are you with Conner?" I cringe. Conner. I've had a crush on Conner since I was thirteen, but he never came me the time of day. Hell, now I have to lie to my best friend. "No. I'll explain later. Just cover for me please."

"Yah yah, I got you. Don't leave out any juicy details." She laughs.

I roll my eyes, "not one period will be missing. Love you b."

"Love you too." I hang up the phone.

Alright, time to ignore a warning from a big scary man and see my biological parents who are murderers. This should be fun.

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