Chapter 21: Pickles

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Katie's POV

The game begun. And I swear, these people are making our schoolmates do some DISGUSTING sh*ts when they picked 'dare'. If my name got picked, I'm defenetly not going to go for a dare.

"Katie Pendergraff"

I rolled my eyes. I spoke too early... I got picked as the person who's going to choose between 'truth or dare'. I don't know who's going to ask me tho.

It's a guy. AND I can see and smell from where I'm standing that he's a f*ckboy. Okay. Maybe I'm being a judgemental by saying that he's a f*ckboy. But I'm sure as hell that he's a horny teenager.

"You're known for having a lot of good looking guys who has interest in you. So my question is, does Katie Pendergraff, the cheerleader, have done it with a girl?" He said with a devilish smirk.

Yup. I was right.

I simply answered, "yes" then sat back down.

My answer caught him off guard. And the face that he made was epic!


Actually, all of the people are shocked. No one expected it. Honestly, I, myself, wasn't expecting that I'm going to do it with a girl. "What?! How many times?!" He asked, too desperately for my liking.


I raised an eyebrow at him. "You already ask the first question. I already answered it. One question, one answer. Period. I won't answer you anymore." I said with a b*tchy face, but inside, my heart was hammering my chest because I found Taylor looking straight at me. Smiling. Worse than the guy's smile before because she has a real devil's smile plastered in her face right now. Seriously? I just looked away. Hoping that I wasn't blushing.

B*tch. Let's see if you can still smile if your name got cherry-picked.

Not so long after that, i heard,

"Katie Pendergraff"

Seriously?! Urgh!!

I don't want to pick a dare. God knows what they're going to make me do. But if I pick truth, I'm 89.7% sure that they're going to ask me about my experience with the girl. Slash Taylor... so I said, "dare."

The person asking me this time was a girl. To the big guy up there, touch her heart. Make her ask me to do a decent stuff...

"Tell us the FULL name of the girl that you've done it with." She has a smug look.

I don't know who this b*tch is, but I already hate her. "Was that a dare?!" I protested. That's like a 'truth' for me!!

"Yes. I dare you to tell us the name of the girl. Or maybe girls."

I really HATE this b*tch.

"Girl." I corrected her. "I've only done it once."

"Oh. The lucky one. Tell us her name." She said crossing her arm above her chest. Still have the annoying smile on her ugly face.


I didn't spoke. I looked away. I walked in front. I grabbed a glass. Poured some of the 'mystery drink'.

I finished it, because it was required. I excused myself after and ran into the nearest comfort room.

I need to puke.

Taylor's POV

Katie's been gone for a long time now. Was it THAT bad? "What was on the drink?" I asked Natalia.

"I don't actually know. I was there the first minute that Andy and his friends are making it, but I left because I can't handle the smell of it." She said

Yes. The 'mystery drink' was Andy's idea to spice up Natalia and I's Truth or Dare. We decided to add truth or dare because it was the game where we first met each other. But that was another story to tell.

But if she left while they're making the drink. Oh wow. It was THAT bad? Natalia wasn't easy to be disgust. It MUST be really disgusting then.

"What did they put when you were still there?" I need to know at least some of it to judge how evil that drink is. I mean, it's understandable because the one who made the drink was a devil himself

No pun intended.

"I think they put the foods in the blender. Some powdered orange juice, spicy canned tuna, cereal, chocolates, brown sugar, canned pineapple juice, cookies, cinnamon powder, one slice of whole wheat bread, soy sauce, biscuit, grilled burger patty, pickles, onions..."

I stopped her. "Pickles?"

"Yes" she said.


"Why?" She asked

"Look for your mom. Or your dad. Or both. I'll find where Katie is." I said rushing.

She grabbed my arm. Stopping me. "Why? What's wrong? Why do you need mom and dad? Have you forgotten that they're mad at you?"

Oh double shoot. But... "I don't care. That's not important right now. It's an emergency. They can set aside their hate to me for a moment for sure. Katie's allergic to pickles. Please. We need to hurry."

"What?! Alright. Bring her to my room when you found her. Let's just meet there."

I just gave her a nod and ran to locate Katie...

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