Chapter 30: Natalia

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Natalia's POV

(while Taylor is still singing at the party)

I have to let go of Tay...

But that couldn't be easily done. You can't just forget someone who's been there for you in the past 6 years.

I finally got out of the party without anyone noticing me. I'm not planning to leave. I still need to set Tay free.

Telling her personally that I'm letting her go is a first huge step. She may not be free from my thoughts but she'll be free physically. I'll not bother her anymore with the flowers and everything. I'll stop seeing her too.

Being inside that party suffocates me. I need to breath here. With fresh air. Without them. Without seeing how inlove they are for each other. I need to rest my heart.


When I saw Katie and Andy, I didn't hesitate to take a picture of them, in case Tay don't believe me.

And I was right...

She didn't believed me.

And I didn't said the words that I needed to say to her before I change my mind. Specially now that she's hurting. She needs someone right now. She needs comfort.

And I can give that to her...


We're still...



I know I promised to let her go and not bother her anymore. But I just want to be there for her. I don't want her to feel that she's alone.

One last time...

Taylor's POV

I don't know what the time is exactly, but I'm pretty sure that hours passed since my mother attempted to brought lunch.

And I still hasn't eaten.

I'm not trying to starve and kill myself. I just can't really find the urge to eat. I just want to lay down in my bed and listen to the silence that I can hear in the four corners of my room and...

Knock Knock Knock*

Oh wow.


"Tay it's me." Natalia...

No need to tell who she is. I can recognize that voice in a crowded loud vast space. How could I not?

I didn't spoke. Nor opened the door. I didn't moved a muscle. I didn't made any effort to see her.


That nickname. There's two of them who call me that. Which do I prefer more? I don't have any idea. I'm a mess right now.

"Tay are you awake?"

She probably wouldn't know. I'm not making any sound besides my breathing. I'm not crying. No sobs can be heard. I don't even know why I'm not shedding buckets of tears. Maybe I'm exhausted? Tired of everything that has happened in my past TWO 'relationships'? Too tired to even release a single tear?

I heard some movements from the door of my room. I think she sat down and rested her head at the door.

"Maybe you're tired of all the cryings that's why you fell in a deep sleep."

She had a pause.

Then continued...

"I saw how hurt you are when I delivered the news to you last night. It's quite the same as how hurt you were when I pushed you away. Quite same. But I'm not sure which hurt you more."

I can hear her voice trembling from crying. She paused for a long sigh and continued saying things that she thought I wasn't hearing.

"Is it wrong for me to want you cry because me? That's pathetic now that I said that out loud, but I just want to see you cry for me. Because that'll mean that you care for me. That my efforts to get you back didn't went for nothing. That those flowers was was cut from their stems didn't worth nothing. Those beautiful flowers didn't just got thrown in a trashcan and died there."

I looked at the table on my left. The flowers. The flowers that she gave to me. I'm doing my best to keep them safe. I'm doing my best to give the a long life. Even the one's that are dried, they're here. I can't and I don't have strength to throw them away. I want to keep them.

With me and the memories of us...


I felt my cheeks getting wet again.

Remembering how I acted that I didn't want those flowers and throw then in the trash bin. In front of her.

But once she turned her back at me, I'm quickly picking up those flowers and storing them in my room.

I covered my mouth so she can't hear my sob. I took a deep and long breath to calm myself. To stop myself from crying.

"You're awake."

That made me froze.

"I know you are. Please open the door Tay." She sobbed. Not trying to hide what she's feeling at the moment.

"Please, Tay."

Hearing her beg made me want to cover my ears and hide under the bed. I don't want her crying. I don't want her begging. I can't help it anymore. I cried and didn't hid my sobs either. I lay here. She sat there. We're crying with each other. For each other.

"Can't you really forgive me?"

I cried more on that. I don't know if she stopped crying after she said those words or if I just cried so hard that I can't hear anything besides my agony.

"I don't want to bother you any longer. Just give me this last ten seconds Tay. If you opened the door I'll stay for as long as you want me to. I'll be there for you. If you didn't, I'll... I'll let you go."

I didn't know I could cry harder. But hearing her say that she'll let me go is just unbearable for a fragile heart.


I closed my eyes.


I took a deep breath.


I tried to dry my tears but they aren't stopping from falling. One after one.


I gave up on wiping my tears.


I sat up.


I looked at the door.

She could open that anytime. She has a spare key. And if she lost or forgot the key, she knows where I hide my key.


Just give some effort in opening the door. For the last time... give me some effort Nat...

Just this last one and I will do the rest for the future. For OUR future...



Natalia's POV

I was covering my mouth the whole time. Preventing any sound of agony to escape.

I don't want her opening the door out of pity.

I closed my eyes really hard...


I opened it and tears instantly flew down.

"Goodbye Taylor..."

A/n: I. AM. SO. FREAKIN. SORRY!!! I updated a long time ago. Ages ago. I'm now 90 years old. Are you guys still there?

Also! The picture in this chapter is just for imagination. The keys shouldn't be as many as that LOL. Why the heck would Taylor own millions of keys? HAHAHAHA

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