Chapter 2

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Draco: I'm a what?

A/n this is making me think of Harry Potter cracks now xD

Narcrissa: Your a veela Draco.

-Draco POV-

I'm a veela... This is going to be interesting. Just as I thought that, a brown owl came and brought me a letter.

A/n I don't know if he should get an inheritance letter or not but I'm just going to include it. Also I don't know the full letter because I haven't read nor watch the movies so bear with me.

Dear Mr Malfoy,

It seems that you have gotten your inheritance. To access the Portkey, simply say 'Fire dragon'.

From Griphook.

Me and my mother both hold the Portkey and say,

"Fire dragon"

We both walk in to Gringotts and see a goblin at the desk.

Narcrissa: "Hello. My son needs an inheritance test."

Goblin: "Right this way ma'am"

The two walked in to find Griphook waiting for them.

Griphook: "Good morning Mrs Malfoy and Mr Malfoy."

Narcrissa: "Good morning. My son needs an inheritance test."

Griphook: "Alright, if he could place 3 drips of blood here."

Griphook passed a blade to Draco. Draco held the blade and cut his thumb placing 3 drops of blood. As soon as he did that a parchment was passed to him.

A/n I'm not the best with inheritance letters so here's a heads up. Also wolfstarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Mother: Narcrissa Malfoy

Father: Lucius Malfoy

Siblings: ---

GodMother(s): Andromeda Tonks.

Uncle(s): Sirius Black,Remus Lupin

Aunt(s): Bellatrix nee LeStrange

Mate: Unknown

Species: Veela

A/n I'm going to end the letter here so yeah

-Third person-

Draco looks at the letter in shock.
He was a veela?

Alrighty Imma end it here sorry if it's short. Anyway Bai Bai.

I have a discord so if you want some sneaky peeks then:

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