C14: Make Up?

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"Well Logan, you seem stable. You can leave as long as you have a ride home." The nurse told him when she walked in.

"Thank god! Emily can drive me home," he said.

The nurse nodded and left. I grabbed my purse and went out the door, but Logan sat down on the bed and opened his arms for a hug. I laughed and hugged him, he pulled me close and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm so sorry, Emily."

"Why are you sorry?" I asked, holding him closer.

"For being stupid."

"You aren't stupid," I whispered.

"Well i sure acted like I am." He picked up my left hand and looked at the ring. "You still wanna marry me?"

"I don't know."

"Well I love you. And we can just...date. Not get married for a while, if you want," Logan said. I kissed him softly.

"I think that'd be a good idea." I hugged him tight again. Logan nodded.

"Well we better get going," he said, trying to avoid the topic.

"Yeah. But we should go see Kendall first," I said.

Logan nodded again and took my hand. I led him to Kendall's room and saw Carlos and James already there. Everyone turned to see us as we walked in. Nobody said anything.

"... Logan's aloud to go home. We wanted to come visit with Kendall." I smiled.

"What do you mean he can go home? Why couldn't he?" Kendall asked.

"Uhhh Logan fainted..." I said.

"Are you okay??" He asked Logan.

"Yeah man, I'm fine," Logan said.

"Cool, cool," Kendall said.

There was a long awkward pause. Nobody knew what to say. Logan and Kendall spoke at the same time.

"Ok, you speak," Kendall said to Logan.

"Can we....have a moment?" Logan said to all of us here in the peanut gallery.

"Uh, sure," James said.

Carlos and I followed him out the door. I walked towards the waiting room, but Carlos held me back.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Listening in! They could get in a full-on fight! No way I'm missing this!" James said and put his ear against the door.

I rolled my eyes and listened in with the others. Every time someone came by, we quick got off the door and acted "natural", which pretty much meant striking a random pose.

[A/N I'm gonna write differently for this part ]

Logan: I'm so sorry. For everything.

Kendall: It's not your fault, it's mine.

L: No, I was a jerk.

K: So was I.

*awkward pause*

L: Uh, Kendall?

K: Yeah?

L: Can I...ask you something?

K: Sure man, anything.

L: ...The car...accident. Was that an....accident?

*long pause*

K: N-no. It wasn't.

L: Kendall...

K: Don't even start. I got the "don't kill yourself, you'll regret it later in life" lecture 3 times today.

L: I wasn't gonna lecture you.

K: Good.

*more awkward silence*

K: If you hate me then that-

L: I kinda do hate you, man.

K: Well good, because I hate you too.

*they both laugh*

L: I'm glad you're not dead.

K: Me too.

L: Can you promise not to...like, er, love Emily anymore?

K: I'll go....meet a cute nurse or something.

L: Aha, sounds good to me.

*Logan went to open the door, so James, Carlos and I sprinted down the hallway to the waiting room.*



The reason this chapter is so short is because it wouldn't make sense to combine the next chapter with it.

Blah blah blah

Yadda yadda yadda

And here we are! 1500+ reads!

I'm excited. :]

Basically this is the most cliché piece of shit I've ever written.. But i hope you like it anyway.

Thanks to everyone who's reading this! It means a lot to me!

And if anything in this story doesn't make sense to you, just ask me and I'll try to explain it. :)

As you can tell, I know nothing about how hospitals work. And clearly, if Kendall tried to kill himself, especially in the way he did, he's need some therapy or something. But I didn't feel like talking about that because it'd be depressing. So...just pretend he went to therapy.





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