Chapter 10

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~Angela's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up to my cousin yelling my name.

"Angie! Could you come down for a sec?"

"Coming!" I yell as I got out of bed. I went downstairs and I saw Bob and the mail man standing at the door.

"Are you Angela?" I hear the mail man say.

"Yeah." I say wile unbraiding my hair.

"There's a couple packages for you and I'm gonna need you to sign here." He explains and hands me a pen. "Thank you miss." He says with a smile and brings a couple of big boxes inside.

I stare at them for a couple of minutes and Bob asked me:

"Did you order some things from the internet?"

"No." I mumbled.

"Wait there's a letter attached to one of them." Bob said handing me a letter from one of the boxes. I take it and start reading it.
"Dear Angie
These boxes contain some of Andy's belongings. We sent you his shirts, hoodies and his acoustic and bass guitar. Also, some exciting news... you're going to be an older sister. Me and your dad were thinking about it a lot recently and we hope that you're going to be accepting of your younger sibling.
Much love,

After I finished reading the letter me and Bob took the boxes to my room and started to open them. First we took out the guitars, then the clothes. All of these things reminded me of him. After we unpacked them Bob started to walk towards the door but I knew I had to tell him what i saw and now was the right time.

"Bob." I say softly and he turned to me. "I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" He asked me with a confused look.

"I think you should sit down before I start talking." I say nervously. He sat on my bed. I sat on the floor across from him and started. "Remember when I was feeling sick and couldn't go to school"

"Yeah.." He answers with the look of confusion still on his face.

"Well that day I saw something that I probably should have told you then."

"What did you see?" He asks with a worried look on his face.

"Maria is sleeping with another man behind your back."

"Why didn't you tell me right away?" He says with a higher tone.

"I didn't tell you because I wanted to see if she would have the dignity to tell you herself. But I guess not." After that he barged out of my room and into the living room. I closed the door not wanting to hear their argument. I put on some loud music so I would hear less and grabbed my phone and texted the girls.
A-Angela, E-Elissa, V-Veronica, B-Brittney
A: Need to talk to you. Can we meet somewhere?
B: What happened?
E: Yeah. What is it Angie?
A: Will explain later.
V: Is Starbucks ok?
A: Meet there in 10?
B: See ya.

*Later at Starbucks*

We were sitting at one of the booths. I couldn't help but think about the letter from my mom and dad.

"So are you gonna tell us what's going on?" Elissa asked me. I handed her the letter to her and told her to read it.

"No way!" I hear Brittney exclaim.

"So basically you parents are going to replace your brother?" Elissa says.

"That's how I see it." I mumbled.

"Now that's fucked up!" Ronnie complained.

"And they sent me most of his belongings." I continued.

"We are so sorry." Elissa said and gave me a hug.

"And i think Bob is going to divorce Maria." I added.

"WHAT?" All three say at the same time while staring at me with shocked looks on their faces.

"Why?" Brittney asked breaking the silence that lasted a few minutes.

"The day I was absent from school I caught her cheating on him." I say looking down at my cup.

"I was not expecting that from her." Ronnie says with a disappointed tone.

"I wasn't either." I mumbled still looking at my cup.

"Well whatever you're going through, just know that us and the guys are here for you." Brittney said and smiled at me so I returned the favor.

"Thanks guys. I knew I could count on you." I say as I stood up to go home. "Well I have a project due Monday and I haven't started yet. Later baes." I say waving at them as I rode off with my skateboard.

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