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America's pov: *8th grade*

"well then America, you can come in now!"

I can hear the teacher call my name from inside the class, signaling me to introduce myself. I wasn't really much of a person who'd get too excited on being extra so I was a little nervous and embarrassed.

I hesitated for a second before leaning inside to peek at the students that was in and I immediately felt dread as soon as I saw how big and tall everyone is. Not that it made a huge difference, all teachers are quite bigger and taller than I'll ever be. I am stupid enough to think anyone would be at my height as an alpha and a beta. "go on" she says.

As I walk into the class I could already hear them whispering in the back. They were either looking back at their friend or just looking at me in curiosity. Finally I reached the middle and looked up at the students to prepare myself for the 'big' introduction that I find quite hard because my mouth and throat seems to be malfunctioning in this very moment. I just can't. Just look at their sizes! They all looked like they could use me as a dumbbell for fun, toss me around at gym class as the dodge ball, maybe snap me in half like those twin ice Popsicles. They were intimidating without being intimidating. Guaranteed it may be an exaggeration, they weren't that big for an alpha or beta but comparing myself to them is a big one.

"ah...well...my name is America, i'm 14 years old. Nice to meet y'all"

There was a quick silence after that and then the whispering became louder and clearer. 'oh my god he's so cute!!' 'why is he so small?' 'really? He's 14 years old? He looks way too young' 'that's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life'

I felt unmotivated as soon as I knew what they were saying. I guess it's not going to be so different than last time after all. I could see them squealing and some even glaring at me. The bigger ones are making those fuck boy smug smiles, very punchable. I remember my mother and father telling me how I should be careful around alphas because I am smaller and weak. I never understood why until 2 years ago when I went to a dark alley one night and almost got myself into big trouble with one of the alphas on the streets. If Canada wasn't there to save me that time, I would've become meat. It's still a mystery how he was able to find me though, I never told him anything about going out. But all he said to me was 'my instincts kicked in, I don't know' which I find really cool. It was all fun and games except for the part where I got grounded and was never allowed to go outside for months and have to have Canada accompanying me for the rest of the day.

Pretty pathetic for a country with so much 'freedom'


3rd person's pov: *sexual content*

America didn't remember what was going on before all this but he felt good, really good. It's like he was meant to be forced inside down there, it's scary to feel this overwhelming feeling he's feeling.

His mind felt numb with pleasure, as well as his legs and all he could do is moan as his hands roams around the alpha's neck and back. He really needed this. And yet he can't help feeling guilty for liking such lewd actions.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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