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             The drop ship shook violently, causing Liana to shoot up in her seat from her former slouched sleeping position

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The drop ship shook violently, causing Liana to shoot up in her seat from her former slouched sleeping position. She glanced around the ship feeling rather confused as to where she was and why there were other teenagers surrounding her.

She had no knowledge of where she was or where she was going. When the guards took her she was sure it was to say goodbye to her parents as she was set to be drifted in a weeks time as it was nearing her 18th, But that didn't seem to be the case.

"Welcome to the world of the awake" A voice squeaked, she turned her head the seat located next to her seeing her favourtie strands of strawberry blonde locks.

"Hais" She sighed out in relief knowing that when she landed - wherever she landed, she wouldn't be alone, ignoring the other 100 people on the ship.

"Some would call it a coincidence we are seated next to eachother" She smirked "Okay.. I kind of begged when i saw them literally carry you in. Some said you kicked the shit out of a guard."

She rubbed her temple having no remembrance of kicking any guard but it would explain why she was tased so many times to the point she was knocked out.

She shielded her eyes when a flash of lights flickered into the ship and a screen flashed on revealing chancellor Jaha "Prisoners of the ark, you've been given a second chance."

"Ironic isn't it" Liana scoffed turning to Haisley "Next week i was set to be floated and now i'm here getting a second chance for my crime."

"Our crime" Haisley corrected.

Liana playfully rolled her eyes but nodded.

"And as Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us. Indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there, if the odds of survival were better, we would have sent others down. Quite frankly, we're sending you because you're crimes have made you expandable."

Liana clenched her fists knowing that Earth may kill her and because of Chancellor Jaha she may not have another week to live.

"You're dads a dick Wells!" Someone yelled from across her, she slowly nodded her head knowing full well that Jaha was indeed a dick.

"The drop site was chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base, built within a mountain -"

Liana zoned out not really caring about what he was going to start babbling on out, she looked up to see a rather careless boy floating around the air "Check it out. Your dad floated me after all." He smirked at Wells.

Liana rolled her eyes "Hey dumbass! Get back in your seat"

"I wouldn't start. He won't listen, he's a dumbass" Haisley whispered.

Liana scoffed rolling her eyes knowing her bestfriend was fully right.

None of these idiotic boys would listen to anyone never mind a girl they'd probably never heard of or maybe even seen, she was a girl he would shy away and she hopes she could maintain that during her few moments on earth. She didn't want to be seen or known.

Suddenly the shop jolted and the idiots floating around flew to the sides of the ship. Liana gasped gripping onto the buckles of her seatbelt gripping on for dear life, if earth wasn't a threat this most definitely was. Suddenly the ship stopped moving and it was at that moment she knew they had landed.

"Listen." The boy she knew as Monty said "No machine hum."

The kid with goggles, jasper, spoke up " whoa"

There was a click and Liana flung the belt to her side shaking slightly before standing up her ears desperately popping. She helped Haisley up and the pair walked over to Finn not exchanging any words. She looked at him and he seemed unharmed but the other two boys however did not.

"Are they breathing?" A blonde girl asked staring down at the two.

"Well does it look like it?" Liana barked "Maybe if that idiot listened.."

Haisley placed a gentle hand on Lianas shoulder calming her urge of anger because as best friends Haisley knew how aggressive Liana could get with the right motivation and she most definitely found this the right motivation.

The blonde girl stared at her and Liana just shrugged not caring about the person she was coming off as, she didn't care about what everyone thought of her.

Liana took Haisley's hand and then climbed down the ladder being met by a larger group it seemed everyone had gathered here craving to step on the land.

The thought made the walls cave in, Liana had only dreamed of what the earth actually looked like. How it smelt, felt. She was excited yet so nervous, radiation would swipe her out in a matter of minuets maybe even seconds.

Haisley pushed her way through the crowd dragging her friend with her when they neared the front a boy attempted to open the latch before the same blonde girl yelled at him.

"Stop! The air could be toxic."

"If it's toxic then we're dead already" Liana locked eyes with the boy and she could tell he wasn't apart of the 100. And it wasn't just because of the guards jacket he had on.

"Bellamy?" A voice called, a girl that had rather similar features to the boy jumped down the ladder.

"My god" He whispered glaring at her "Loom at how big you are"

They hugged tightly and this is when it clicked in Lianas brain. This was Bellamy and Octavia Blake. They're mother was floated for hiding and having Octavia and she was taken by the guards.

"What the hell is this, a guards uniform?"

"I borrowed it to get onto the ship. Someone's gotta keep an eye on you." He grinned.

Liana pinched her arm "You wanted to get on here? None of us had a choice but you wanted to get on here?" She spoke confidently eyeing his features as he let her words sink in.

He ignored her words staring at anyone but her "Where's your wristband?" The blonde spoke her again ruining the moment.

"Do you mind? Both of you, i haven't seen my brother in a year."

"No one has a brother!"

"That's Octavia Blake!"

People began to murmur but Liana and Haisley just glared at eachother not caring to join in with the conversations floating about the girl under the floorboards.

She had zoned out every single conversation missing the moment Bellamy Blake flung open the drop ship door a blinding light surrounding the ship, Liana shielded her eyes yet still stared at the girl who was the first to step foot on land.

She hesitated before jumping down a smirk toying on her lips "Were back bitches!"

Haisley grabbed Lianas hand and together they ran out breathing they're first fistful of air it drowned her lungs it felt strange at first but then she got used to it sucking in the air and admiring the moss covered trees.

She had made it.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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