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"What the hell"Rodger whispered looking at Pamela

"How did you guys meet?"Rodger awkwardly asked and sat down on the couch

"Well Stephanie went missing in the grocery store but Pamela found it and brought her to me so I invited her over"Liane explained while smiling at Pamela who smiled back

"Oh really? Stephanie went missing? And Pamela found her?"Rodger repeated glaring at Pamela who was still smiling

"Yep, she's actually really funny and super nice"Liane gushed

"It's nice to meet you Rodger, Your beautiful wife here been singing your praises since I got here"Pamela smile eating another cookie

"Oh that's wonderful...."Rodger grunted while grinding his teeth

"Hey mom, Hey Rodger"Cartman's greeted them as they walked back inside

"Damn who is this?"Cartman asked looking up and down at her

"This is my new friend Pamela"Liane introduced them to her

"Aw, You have two boys that's a adorable"Pamela gushed and hugged Clyde making sure that Rodger was watching them hug

She then walked over to Cartman and gave him a big hug too, She moved away from them and walked back to Liane.

"Wow, She makes your sister butt look like Taylor Swift's"Cartman joked whispering to Clyde

"Seriously Eric, Shut the fuck up"Clyde moaned annoyed

"Well it's almost 7:00 I should start dinner soon, So Pamela why don't you head home and Liane can call you tomorrow, or next week, or never again"Rodger muttered into her ear

"Wait dad why can't she stay for dinner?"Clyde suggested

"Dinner?"Rodger questioned

"Yeah, You can stay"Liane cheered happily and hugged her tightly

"Oh...yeah great"Rodger muttered slightly

"Okay, I'm going to start making spaghetti and meatballs"Rodger declared walking into the kitchen

When he got inside he punched the refrigerator leaving a dent and walked to the stove and started boiling water.

"Dad! We're about to play twister you want to come? Clyde asked walking into the kitchen

"No I can't I have to focus on... This boiling water"Rodger said while the water on the stove started to slowly bubble

"Why did you put the stove on the lowest setting?"Clyde asked confused

"Um... The longer it take the better it tastes"Rodger lied with a smile plastered on his face

Clyde just looked at his dad and shrugged and walked out of the kitchen and back to the living room.

Rodger just sat in the kitchen and a would occasionally peek out the door to see them Laughing and giggling.

The whole time he was cooking he kept thinking about what Pamela was thinking and what she planned on doing by playing with his family.

After an hour or so he called everyone in for dinner and just glared at Pamela and Liane Laughing and talking to each other. Clyde and Cartman seemed happy having her around too.

She left after dinner and they waved goodbye to her while Rodger glared at her the entire time.

After that they all got ready for bed and Rodger immediately went to bed, However he didn't immediately go to sleep when he felt someone holding him

"Is everything okay?"Liane asked worried

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