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Setuko was sitting in a chair along with two other kids. One was ten years old like her and had long black hair. The other one was around 4 and had short blond hair.
The blonde just kicked his feet back and forth happily while waiting. Today was the day they would get adopted. Setuko had no idea who it was though, but was happy she'd finally have a home.

Eden was a 10 year old girl with long black hair sitting in a chair next to another 10 year old girl with shoulder-length brown hair and a small 4 year old boy with blonde hair.
Eden was excited to get adopted and she didn't see how this day could go wrong.
She sat in her chair excitedly, awaited her new parent or parents to walk through the door.

A tall man with long ginger hair tied in a messy pony tail walked in. He had light brown eyes and little facial hair. He seemed to be dressed formally with a clean buttoned shirt and a bowtie. He walked over to the counter and filled out some paperwork.

Setuko looked curiously at the man, was this going to be the three's new father? She leaned toward Eden and whispered "do you think he's gonna be our new dad?"

Eden looked optimistically at Setuko
"I think so!! I'm so excited to have a forever home!"
Edens smile seemed too big for her face.

After the man was done with the paperwork he walked over to the eager kids. He knelt down and smiled "hello my three bundles of joy" he said warmly. Hiroki, the blonde haired boi squealed with joy and hugged him. Setuko could tell that there was uneasiness in the way he said it, but she just shrugged it off.

Eden hugged the man, he kinda felt off to her, but she just wanted a nice home and family so she wrote it off as nothing.
Eden was ecstatic at the notion of a forever home and her new life. She looked to Setuko and hugged her. "We're finally getting a home! Are you excited!?!!!" She only kinda shook Setuko like a ragdoll

The father handed each one of them a present. Setuko opened up hers, it was a necklace with a cloudy white jewel on it. She put it on instantly in excitement. Takashi, the younger boy opened up his as well, it was the same thing. He put it on as well, happy with the gift from his new Father. Setuko thought she felt a needle poke her neck when putting it on, though she didn't think much more of it.

Eden opened her present to the same necklace as everyone else. She was so happy to get a present from her new dad, so she put it on right away. There was a small, barely noticeable, sharp poke in the spot where the jewel made contact with her skin. Though, Eden didn't register it in the midst of her excitement. She looked over to Setuko and bumped her slightly so that she would look over and see Edens hUGe smile.

Setuko couldn't help but giggle. The Father stood up "Well? Ready to go home?" He asked. Setuko stood up eagerly and nodded. She finally got to leave the orphanage! Takashi quickly rushed over to the door and waited impatiently "hurry up slow pokes!" He turned around and squealed.

Eden was right behind Takashi when he sprinted to the door. She had this huge smile on her face and she was so ready and it's indescribable how happy she was.
"WOO!" Eden jumped in excitement by the door.
She was doing this weird celebration dance and she tried to get Takashi to join in on her strange dancing

Takashi joined in as Setuko and their father followed them out the door. Setuko waved to the lady at the desk goodbye before letting the door shut behind them.
Father pointed the children in the direction of the car. It was a nice and fairly new car. Setuko sat in one of the window seats while Takashi sat in the middle.

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