The Big cabin

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Eden sat in the other window seat with her seatbelt on and looked out the window as they pulled out of the parking lot.
"This car smells nice." Eden said this quietly with a small smile on her face. She barely noticed saying it out loud as she was immersed in the scenery out the window.

As they drove, Setuko just stared out the window. She was overflowing with excitement and could barely sit still. Takashi keep asking if we were there yet constantly but Setuko could understand his excitement.  Though Father seemed to be getting annoyed from the way he looked through the rear view mirror. Setuko asked Takashi to quiet down a bit

Eden was tuned out and enjoying the scenery. She saw lots of trees. She was interested in them and couldn't help but think about the crime novels she loved to read. There could be a body out there for all she knew...........
but that's unlikely... unless..?
Anyways.. It was a beautiful forest. Tall, beautiful trees. Eden always thought that nature had its own beauty. But fuck that she liked air conditioning.
Eden cleared her mind from her random thoughts and continued to just take in the beauty of nature.

Setuko got a bit concerned seeing how deep into a forest they were in, seeing all the huge crooked trees almost looking like people lunging at her. In the distance she saw a big log cabin. She couldn't help but be shocked. After living in a small orphanage, they now got to upgrade to something huge! Setuko pointed "Look Eden, Takashi! I think that's our new home!" Takashi looked instantly and squealed. "Big cabin! Big cabin!" He repeated

Eden looked at the gigantic log cabin and went wide eyed. She started laughing from being shocked by the size of their new house. Then she put on a silly deep voice and said. "ooh rUsTiC."

Setuko and Takashi giggled. Father then pulled into the driveway and Setuko instantly hopped out with Takashi following not to far behind. "Yay! We're here!" Takashi yelled

Eden leaped out of the car and gazed in awe at the house. She ran over to a window and peeked inside. "oooooh." It was so nice and neat inside the house. Eden then ran over to the door and excitedly waited for their new father to open it and introduce them into their new life.

The father opened the door and led them inside "welcome home, there are three bedrooms upstairs, go ahead and pick" once he said that, Setuko made a beeline upstairs. Each room seemed to be the same size. She picked one farthest down the hall and jumped onto the bed face first.
Takashi picked the one closest down the hall, he did a little spin in his new room with joy. Each of the rooms had an old cozy feel to them. But Setuko felt odd in that house, like she must never leave. She decided to explore the rest of the house. She checked out the living room, the kitchen and other areas of the house. She saw a door that she assumed to be the basement and decided to check it out. Though before she could open the door, Father quickly stopped her. "You're not allowed to go in there, not now at least" Setuko was confused by that statement. What did He mean? What was he hiding and when could she find out?

Eden picked the room in the middle of the hall. After all, the other rooms were already chosen by Setuko and Takashi. She started exploring the house and she made her way to the kitchen. She was hungry. She saw ramen and excitedly grabbed it, she lOVEd ramen. She ran over to their new dad, disregarding the basement door, to ask if she could eat it.
Eden looked up at their new dad and with huge eyes
"Can I pLEEAASEE have this?!"

Father simply nodded with a smile. Though his smile seemed unsettling to Setuko. Like he was trying too hard to be nice. She decided to just get an apple for a snack since she wasn't that hungry. She looked at the necklace around her neck. Wondering if it had any sort of purpose to it.
The thought of the basement kept bugging her still.
Takashi was drawing scribbles on a blank piece of paper. He held it up to Father with a wide grin on his face. "Here Daddy! I made this for you!" The thanked him and set the picture on the table. Though once Takashi left to do something else, Setuko saw Father tear up the paper and throw it away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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