Let the plan begin

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I smiled kindly, “I accept. I want to be your girlfriend, Kaname Kuran”.
        I looked at my friends and they had a surprise face. I looked at Zero and he was looking at me with an emotionless face but I could see in his beautiful eyes of him that he was surprise too.
I looked at Kaname and he was smiling and I smiled too.
“Thanks for accepting my feeling” Kuran said.
“I accepted your feeling because I need a change in my life and I think that you are going to be a good change” I replied.
He nodded “Ayame, Min and Ai, when the class end, I want to talk to you”.
They slowly nodded and he left.
Why he want to talk to them?
The bell rang and I get off of my seat and Zero did the same thing.
When I stepped outside of the classroom I saw Kaname in front of me.  
“__________” I heard Zero calling my name.
        I decided to act and I grabbed Kaname hand and I kissed him in his left cheek. He take this opportunity and put me in a hug and I let him besides this can be really good because this can make Zero jealous and people will talk about me being in a relationship with Kaname.  
“You smell nice” Kaname murmured.
“I know. I always smell nice” I replied.
He kept hugging me “You always do smell good but you smell like-”
“Roses, I know. You always tell me that” I replied.
He stopped hugging me.
“I will see you later on the same spot” he told me.
I nodded. I know that he is referring to the garden.
“Hi, Blue, Star and Moon” Kaname said.
I turned around and I saw my friends.
“Hi” Moon and Star replied.
Blue didn’t say anything. She just ignored him.
“I will see you later _________, I need to talk to Ayame, Ai and Min” with that he left.
“We need to talk” Blue told me.

“Okay” I replied.

We entered my room.
“What was that” Moon said.
“What?” I replied.
“Don’t what me” Moon said.
“You know what she is talking about…..Kaname confessed his love for you” Star said.
“And I accepted his feeling” I told her.
“But I thought that you love Zero” Star said.
“I loved him” I lied to her.
I just can’t tell them my plan. I want to do this all by myself and of course Kaname help.
“What is wrong with YOU. You still love HIM, do NOT lie on our faces _________” Blue told him while raising her voice.
“I just realized that he is in love with Yuuki and I know that he will never return my feeling so I decided to give a chance to Kaname. I know that he will make me happy and that he will help me to forget Zero…..Please, accept my decision” I told them.
Moon slowly nodded.
Star said “Okay”.

“Blue, please, accept my decision” I told her.
She sighed “Dammit….Okay, I will accept your decision but if he hurts you, I will gladly torture him and kill him in a slowly painful death”.
“Okay, thanks girls. I knew that I could count on you and now I have to go and see my boyfriend” I told them and I left.
I waited for two minutes until Kaname appeared.
He hugged me and when he kissed my right cheek, he stopped hugging me.
“Why did you do that” I told him.
“Because their might be people watching us” he told me.
I nodded.
“You did a great act when you confessed your feeling” I told him.
“Who said that I was acting” he told me.
I didn’t say anything.
“I was kidding but who knows” he told me.
“Why did you wanted to talk to Ayame, Ai and Min” I told him.
“Is a secret” he replied.
“Please, tell me” I said.
“No” he replied.
“Okay, if you don’t want to tell me then don’t. I will see you tomorrow” I told him while kissing his left cheek.

 ~~~~Thanks to hugs_for_hippies for the cover for this story~~~~

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