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OH GOD! I HATE MATH. Why I even taking it. Is not like we are going to use it every day.

“Students, I want groups of five. I will give you 10 seconds to choose your partners” The teacher told us.

I stayed in my seat because I know that Zero and I are partner and besides I don’t want Brownie to be his partner.

I looked at my friends and I saw them walking to where we were.

“Hello!” Moon said.

Blue nodded but Star……

“ZEROOOO!” Star yelled while running to where we were.

I looked at Zero and he was getting annoying.

“Hi” I told them.

In a flash Star was hugging Zero.

“I –I c-can’t b-b-breathe” Zero murmured.

“Star! You can’t see! He can’t breathe” I told her.

I saw that she stopped what she was doing to Zero.

She gave him a goofy smile “Sorry”

We formed a small circle and we started to work, that was until Blue decided to break the silence.

“Why didn’t you tell us that you broke up with Kaname?” She ordered.

“W-Well…um…” I didn’t know what to say to her. She is really scary and besides. I lied to them. I was never Kaname’s girlfriend.

“I’m waiting” She told me.

“The truth is……um…” I still didn’t know what to say.

“The truth is that she was faking it. She was never Kaname’s girlfriend. She made a plan with Kaname to make me jealous of them. She wanted to make me jealous. When we had the festival, she confessed to me that she wasn’t Kaname’s girlfriend, that they were just faking it. I told her my true feeling for her and since then we have been together” Zero quietly told them.

“Then why you didn’t tell us the plan” Blue said.

“Yeah! Why didn’t you?!” Moon told me.

“Because if I did that, Star would had told Zero. She is a fan of him but I’m the biggest fan and she would have told him” I said.

“Well, that is true” Star admitted.

We finished what we were doing and it was lunch time.

Zero and I decided to have lunch together.

We were walking in the hallway because we decided to eat lunch at the garden. While walking we didn’t hold hand, we just walked next to each other.

While passing the headmaster’s office, I heard the door opened but I ignored.

“_________” a male voice called my name.

Zero and I turned around and we saw Kaname.

“Oh! Hi Kaname. How are you been?” I told him.

He smiled at me “Good and you”.

“Me too” I responded.

I felt that Zero put his arm around my shoulder.

Is he jealous? OMG! He is jealous.

“Kaname” Zero said.

“Zero, how are you doing?” Kaname gave him a fake smile.

Zero didn’t answered.

“Are you two dating” Kaname asked.

“Yes” Zero coldly responded.

“We did a good job. Zero finally is your boyfriend” Kaname said to me.

I smiled “But is also with your help Kaname”.

Zero P.O.V:

I felt anger when I saw _________ giving a smile at Kaname Kuran.

“_________, can you leave me alone with Zero, I need to tell him something” Kaname said to her while giving her a smile.

__________ looks at me and I nodded.

She moves ten feet away.

I saw Kaname moving near my ear.

“If you don’t treat _________ right, I might take her away from you but if you hurt _________, I will make your life miserable. I will even kill you in a slow painful death. If you break her heart, you will know what it’ll mean been drag into the darkness” Kaname venomously told me.

“You are going to wait because I will never going to give _________ to you She is mine and only mine” I told him.

I left and walked to where _________ is.

I will never hurt you, I promise with my life. I will make you the best happy girl in this universe.

I promise.

Zero P.O.V. END:

~~~~Thanks to hugs_for_hippies for the cover for this story~~~~ 

~~~~I just want to tell you readers, that this history is going to have five or six chapters left. I know, I really love making this story, but every story has an end.~~~~

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