Them Darkskin Mothafuckas

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Be advised, chapters will be at least 6,000 words, at least😅🙂.

Bronny's POV

When I walked into school the next day, I went to my locker to get a few things for my first class. While I'm switching out a few things, Maddie comes up to me.


She says like any other day. I guess she's over yesterday.

"You still like Rowanda, or are you done yet?"

She brung up, right when I thought she was over that shit. I roll my eyes.

"I don't like Rowanda, ok? I just thought us, and everyone else should tone down on her. I mean, she might be tough, but she's still human."

I try to persuade her again, remembering her cries from the bathroom yesterday. Maddie rolls her eyes and shook her head before I even finished.

"Yea cause you fucking like her."

"No! I don't! Stop saying that, leave me alone!"

I close my locker and start walking to my first class. She is a pain in the ass. It's like she wants me to like Rowanda or something.

"Well wait."

She pouts, catching up to me and grabbing my arm, clinging onto me like she always does.

"I'm sorry babe, I can make it up to you."

She wraps her arms around my waist. I know she wants to do something dirty. I look down at her.

"Just..chill. We don't need to be doing this shit every minute."

I take one of her arms from around me, off. She scoffed.

"Well sorry for just trying to please my boyfriend."

She drops her other arm from me. I shake my head.

"You don't need to please me all the time, Maddie."

We're in 11th grade, she should calm down. We ain't that grown. Before she could say anything, I hurried to my first class, leaving her behind.

It's just that she gets so annoying with that always wanting fuck shit. Like stop, talk to me, what are you gonna do with your life after high school, something, damn.

I walk into my first class and sit down. Thank god Maddie or Rowanda isn't in this one. Maddie is being clingy and annoying, and Rowanda, I don't really know why I don't wanna see her right now. Maybe it's because I don't wanna see her, then feel sorry again. Because I'm not sure if I should apologize, or let her go, and just never talk to her again.

We had a substitute for today, so I sat back and chilled.

That worker at Chick-fil-A thought we were a couple. Do we look cute together or something? I know we straight argued like a couple, but did she think I looked cute with a dark skin black girl, like me?

Imagine being with Rowanda-

Nah. I need to stop. I'm thinking crazy right now, I like white girls, my white girlfriend, Maddie.

Once it was social studies class, I didn't know what was gonna happen next. I just sat down at the usual seat I do in that class. After five minutes, everyone got with their partners and were working together, except Rowanda and I. The teacher was on her computer, so she didn't notice. I looked down my row of desk, at Rowanda. She was on her phone, writing down notes, probably reading an article. Wow, she really is about to do this whole project.

I remembered her sobs I heard on the other side of my bathroom door again. Damn, I have to apologize, this is wrong. I feel like a bully. I think I might be.

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