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Jason's mind lay locked in a dream. Somehow he saw through Rachel's eyes. He smelled the New York City air through her nose. The noise of traffic roared in his—her—ears.

But he wasn't there. A part of his mind told him this wasn't his real location, and he wanted only to watch, feel, smell—and sleep.

Rachel glanced at the UN building again. The flags whipped in the breeze. Her gaze went toward the street.

She stiffened. A man looked at her from the sidewalk. He glanced away and then was gone. It's nothing, she told herself. The man has a thing for blondes. That's all. It's nothing.

I hope.

Jason felt her unease as his own. He—Rachel—glanced around. Nothing looked out of place.

People passed the alley where she stood. Cars honked. The very air hummed.

Rachel took a deep breath and paced. She kept watching, waiting.

She shivered. The cold breath of fear went down her spine. She forced herself to breathe slowly. Take it easy, she told herself.


Rachel turned with a jerk. And terror rocketed up her stomach.

Ian Isaacs—Psycher—stepped forward, the breeze whipping his long hair. Rachel gasped and stepped back.

"Rachel?" Ian said frowning. "What are you doing—?"

Using her hands like two huge blow torches, she sent fire in Ian's direction. The man jumped back and screamed. He raised his hands.

Invisible tendrils of force wrapped themselves around Rachel's torso, lifting her into the air. She felt her feet leave the ground; her legs kicked fruitlessly.


Something exploded in the distance. Ian stumbled but didn't let Rachel go. Glass shattered, and people screamed.

An invisible band wrapped itself around her neck. Rachel clawed at it with her fingers. She couldn't breathe.

Red blisters covered Ian's cheeks and forehead. He grimaced and looked at her. His eyes burned with rage. He didn't say anything. He didn't have to. He said it all with his eyes. Hate.

Ian tossed her away. Air rushed past. Lights flashed. She sailed out of the alley. No. Their plan had failed.

Jason tried to pull away from Rachel's thoughts. His heart seemed to tighten, suffocating his very soul. This can't be happening. It just couldn't.

The moment Rachel's body came into contact with the sidewalk, both Jason and Rachel felt a snap in her neck. Then all went black for Rachel.


With a jolt, Jason opened his eyes, tasting bile. Is Rachel dead?

His stomach tightened at the thought.

The dream reminded him of the way he'd felt when his mom and dad had died—the yellow eyes. He shivered.

Jason lay on a metal table. Once again, straps held him down by his wrists and ankles. Frantically, he pulled at his bonds. Then Jason stopped, and his face flushed. Use your powers, idiot.

He squinted at his restraints. A familiar sense of intense fatigue stopped him. He gasped. A pit opened in his stomach. I'm drugged.


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