Chapter Five

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"Louis, we can't help you if you don't tell us what's wrong."

Edward was steadily getting more and more frustrated with the small boy. He had now been in the rehabilitation home for a month, and still there were no improvement. He had refused to tell anyone more than he had told Edward at their first therapy session, which had led them to where they were now, stuck in the same damn loop.

Louis just shrugged his shoulders, looking down at his glove covered hands in his lap. Marcel, the doctor of the rehab home, had put cotton gloves on Louis' hand's when it became clear that the boy could not stop digging his nails into his forearms and leaving cuts there.

Louis hated the gloves to no end; he could not scratch that unreachable itch that he felt in his body from what the doctor had called "abstinence." Louis scoffed at the thought of their previous conversation, he was not addicted to anything. He just enjoyed himself some booze from time to time, and that was all.

"Louis?" Edward snapped his fingers to try and get the boy back to the present. "You're here with me?"

Louis nodded. "I'm sitting here, aren't I?" He said.

"No need to try and sass me, I'm afraid." Edward smiled, shaking his head. "I have been doing this for years, Louis. You can try and push me away but eventually you will understand that you need our help here, and that we are good people. You don't need to push everyone away, we are not your enemies, yeah?"

Louis thought that over for a moment, these people had been nothing but nice to him so far. He had gotten a nice and soft bed, he got food three times a day plus snacks, he got to watch television, play board games, and hang around with others. He didn't do it though, he preferred his room, but they had given him the opportunity to. They did not isolate him, and yet he was resisting their help after all that? Louis thought sadly about what his mother would say if she could see him now.

"Do you have professional secrecy?" He said in a small voice, despising how weak it sounded.

"Of course I do, and I don't need to write any notes down either if that feels better." Edward said kindly, overjoyed that they were finally getting somewhere.

"Yes," Louis said, adding a "please," to not sound rude.

Edward nodded, putting his notebook and pen down on the table beside him, pushing his reading glasses up his nose and watched Louis with his undivided attention. 

"I-" Louis took a gulp of air, clearing his throat. This was going to be very hard, and oh so painful. I had a little sister, her name was Alice. She was eight years younger than me."

Edward nodded, letting Louis take his time. The poor boy looked like he was struggling. "Would you like something to drink, Louis? I have tea and water if you would like some." He suggested.

"Tea, please." Louis said, fiddling with his sweater paws.

Edward stood up, walking over to the table at the other end of his office where he had a thermos of warm water and tea bags. "Yorkshire okay?" He asked, holding up the tea bag so that Louis could see.

"That's fine." Louis sighed, thanking Edward when he reached him a steaming mug of tea.

"Tell me whatever you want, Louis. There is no pressure in here." Edward said softly, crossing his legs when he sat back down in his armchair across from Louis. "Maybe...How was Alice like?"

"She was amazing. Everyone loved her, I don't know how she did it but no matter who she met, they fell in love with her within the first minutes of meeting her. She was not very outgoing, rather shy girl, but she had a heart of gold and a soul of angels." Edward smiled at the distant look in Louis' eyes and the smile on his lips. His sister obviously made him very happy.

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