Buck | There's two of you !?

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This was before Maddie is introduced and I moved some stuff around. You are Buck's twin.

You were on your way to Buck's firehouse. You were in LA to visit. It was a long trip from Wisconsin. You were ready to see your brother and surprise him with the fact that you were 5 months pregnant. You were cleared to fly by your doctor, and you couldn't wait to see his reaction.

You arrived at his station and tipped your uber driver before getting out. You walked slow toward the large, opened doors. You laid a hand on your swollen belly, and smiled. "Ready to meet your uncle, baby?"

You walked through the large doors and looked around. You were happy for Buck. That he's doing something he loves. You decide to find someone to help you find your brother. You find two members in the ambulance, who you recognize as Hen and Chim, sorting and stocking supplies. You clear your throat.

"Um, excuse me."

They turn to look at you. Chim smiles at you. "What can we help you with?"

"I'm looking for Evan Buckley."

The two glance at your stomach and then at each other. You place a protective hand over your stomach and you look at them, very confused.

"You owe me a twenty." Hen laughs.

You catch on with what they were getting at and you laugh.

"I'm his sister. Y/n." You giggle. "I'm aware of my brother's tendencies, but I assure you my husband is the father."

They both pause. You giggle when Hen still slips the 20 into the pocket of her uniform. 

"We are so sorry for assuming-"

"Don't worry about it." You smile. "I should have introduced myself first. You're Hen and Chim right? I've heard so many good things about you."

"It's nice to meet you too." Chim smiles, hopping out of the ambulance to find Buck.

"How far along are you?" Hen asks, getting out of the ambulance too.

"About 5 months." You smile, rubbing your stomach happily.

"Do you know the gender?"

"No. My husband and I decided that we didn't want to know the gender because it doesn't matter. We'll love the child whether it's a boy or girl, or when they are older, and make their own decisions on who they are we'll still love them all the same."

"That's beautiful."

You smile. "Would you like to feel? They're very active today."

Her smile was so big and you felt like you and her could be great friends. "Here." 

You place her hand on your belly. Your child kicking right at her hand. "My wife and I are trying to have another child. It's been... hard."

"You seem like a great mom from what Buck has told me. I wish you all the luck, Hen."

"Y/n?" Buck's surprised voice comes from behind you.

You turn and he stops in his tracks. "What...?"

"Surprise! Uncle Buck." You giggle. 

"Buck? Who's this?" The captain asks, coming down the stairs. You introduce yourself seeing as Buck is still frozen after your surprise.

"You must be Captain Nash. I'm Y/n. Buck's sister."

He smiles. "Buck, you never told you had a sister."

"I'm actually his twin. We have an older sister in Pennsylvania too. I traveled here from Wisconsin. I was told you're from St. Paul, Captain. I live about a half an hour from there."

Bobby smiles. "I like you even more and please call me Bobby."

You nod and look at your brother again. "I'm glad there is medical professionals around. He's making a great impression of an ice sculpture."

Chim makes a choking noise. "Wait. There's two of you?!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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