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Simone p.o.v
All this dumb ass drama so I'm keeping my distance to be honest

Brandon: where you been at

Me: at school and at home

Brandon rolled his eyes at me

Me: I gotta go

I hung up the FaceTime and went back watching movies

L😘: I know you not sleep answer me

S😍: whatcha want

I locked my phone

Me: I don't got time for this

I got in trouble cause of him and e my dad don't want me around him he actually wants me to break up with him

Me: hello

Lathan: what's goin on like deadass

Me: we gotta break up

Before he could say anything I hung the phone up
End p.o.v

Ernesto p.o.v
Laying in the hospital bed eating pudding

Kirk: you gonna tell him

Nick: nah you

Me: what y'all want

I tried to move but I was in pain

Kirk: look man all this bullshit that happened it gotta stop

Me: or what

Nick: all of us gonna be In this bitch man

Nick started to cry

Me: y'all some babies

Kirk; I'm done

Me: so y'all just gonna leave me..I've-

Nick: we babies remember

He gave me the middle finger and walked out the room

Kirk: you need some healing to do..nigga you crazy

Me: not crazy just feed up my nigga
End p.o.v

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