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Ernesto p.o.v
We were all on my porch

Nick; this nigga ain't been to school for weeks

Kirk; nah he came one day his bitch ass friend was tryna talk to him

Me: man fuck mosey lame ass

We all started laughing

Kirk: man that Simone girl getting a lot of heat

Nick; bib soo many hoes wanna fight her

They were laughing

Me: shit that would be funny to see

Brandon: what y'all talking bout

Me: you and mosey

Brandon; we'll spit I want to laugh

He was standing between nick and Kirk

Me: why yo ass over here anyway

Brandon: to talk to you

Me: ehh I'm good

Nick: you can talk to us though

Brandon: why y'all do that to lathan he didn't do anything wrong

Kirk: whatchu mean

Brandon: he was just tryna hook ol girl up with you

Me: don't nobody want her ugly ass damn that's why I lied on him

Boom Simone popped up
End p.o.v

Simone p.o.v
Wow my heart hurts

Me: thanks for you admitting it

Ernesto: I ain't say anything

Brandon: we got y'all on tape

Me: and just for the record this ugly bitch is better than all them hoes

Kirk: ooop

Nick: I didn't think you was-

Me: shut up

I started to walk home with Brandon

Brandon: you good

Me: yeah
End p.o.v

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