The Reel of Fate

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Sadly, I own nada with the exception of the plot ;)


The seventh years were oddly quiet that next morning. No one had slept. 'Suppose knowing your entire life was in the balance the following day didn't exactly put young minds to rest. The Gryffindor table was the loudest today, save Slytherin who always seemed to perk up with a bit of teasing and jeering. Hermione was struggling to answer as many questions as possible, they were literally flying at her. Those who couldn't bother to get up and ask her sent enchanted letters headed straight towards her. Letters from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw soon came as they caught on. Even a Slytherin, Millicent Bulstrode, sent one. Of course the message had read, "I was wondering how to get rid of a pest problem. Seeing as you're one yourself, would you mind giving me a few pointers?" Always the ingenious one, that Millicent. Soon after the Headmistress stood up from her seat and the letters gradually slowed, then altogether stopped.

"Boys and girls," the Headmistress began then, after some thought, continued, "Ladies and gentlemen," she started again. "It brings me great personal distress to see your distraught point of view on this change    of plans, and I hope that at the end of the month you will all think differently. As I believe we have all seen, many of you have questions.This is perfectly acceptable and expected. The ministry wanted me to show you a little Muggle video but we, uh, are having some issues with it so I'll just summarize. Each of you young ladies will step up and take hold of the handle of this," the witch said lifting an odd looking object in the air. 

The spool-like object had a handle much like a doorknob, except it gave a faint glow and turned different shades of different colors every few seconds. The reel itself had thick line of silver string. However this string, which surprised no one, seemed to be alive. It struggled against its thick leather strap and make it appear increasingly difficult for the Headmistress to keep her hold on the contraption.

"Yes well," the old witch continued with a disgruntled look, "after taking a handle, the line will burst out and almost attack your assigned match. The way it works is the reel finds the person in the room you were supposedly destined to be with...or if not the next best thing. Some of you will not be matched. Those who are not matched must seek elsewhere to find love." 

This piece of information caused many smiles to appear on the faces in the room but were interrupted by a small but determined voice.

"Yes but there are only a few people, aren't there professor? I remember reading somewhere that the odds of you being Freed, as they call it, are so slim that they only are given to the most unexpecting." Hermione inquired.

Ignoring the glares, the Gryffindor princess awaited a response and was slightly upset that she was in fact right. The Headmistress unclapsed the leather strip and the spool burst out as explained. After seeming to sniff the air, the spool zoomed forward and quickly wrapped itself around the wrist of a shocked Lavender Brown. Next was Luna, then Pansy Parkinson, then Ginny, Hermione, Parvarti, Padma, Hannah Abbott,  Cho Chang, Susan Bones, and a few others. When all the girls were lined up, the matching began. 

"Good luck, mate." The Chosen One whispered to his best friend.

"I'm not worried about me." Ron replied, sending a meaningful look at his sister then at the Boy Who Lived.

"ABBOTT, HANNAH." The Headmistress called the first name. It had begun.


Suddenly, a little voice came from the reel.

"Hannah, dear, have a nice eternity with... MR. THEODORE NOTT."

Hannah quickly scanned the room to finally find her match, where there eyes made contact for only a second before Theodore (in a very un-Slytherin manner might I add) shrugged and lazily walked over to stand next to Hannah. Everyone else became suspicious immediately and the Headmistress had to intervene saying that they were in fact not being tricked with a form of love potion and that the twosome were simply setting a surprising yet welcome example. Right.

"PATIL, PARVARTI. PATIL, PADMA." The reel exclaimed as the sisters looked together in confusion.

"I wanted you two to recieve your enevitable fate together because I'm not rude enough to demand a double wedding but how cuuuuuute would that be, hm? Too cute!" The reel spun about crazily as it giggled in a high pitched voice.

"Hmmm, let's see. For you Padma, dear ah...ALRED PODMORE." The reel announced as an enthusiastic Alfred ran up to envelop his shocked match in a large hug.

The reel didn't waste to time to announce, "CORNER, MICHAEL" with Parvarti and continued with a second to spare even after Parvarti screeched in protest.

"WEASLEY, GINERRRRVA!" The Headmistress took a step back after saying that name, secretly hoping that this would end well.

"Oh, well this is easy. Draco-"


"No, no, no!"


Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Slytherins alike all stood up together in protest. The two glared at each other with such contempt that it was palpable. The Boy Who Lived looked about ready to become the Boy That Had A Massive Heart Attack when the angry retorts abruptyl stopped as the reel began cackling. Everyone looked to the magical enchantment in confusion and simply utter bewildment. 

"I'm just kidding, lovlies." The reel told the young adults.

It took some time for the Headmistress to quiet them down after that. It was going to be a long day.


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