4: Assistant Teacher

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"Good morning, (Y/N)!" Oobleck smiled at you as you walked in the classroom.

"Good morning, sir!" You smiled and sat in your assigned seat.

You were always the first one to show up to class. No matter what day it was or how late you were, you were always first.

You took your education very seriously. No one was as hard working and intelligent as you, not even Weiss could beat you. Your grades were straight A's, all 100's. You had perfect attendance, perfect test scores, and perfect strategy.

The only thing you didn't have was popularity. Who wanted the nerd to be their friend? No one, that's who. So often times you spent your days after school talking with the teachers and other staff.

"Are you ready for the test today?" Oobleck sipped some of his coffee, even though he didn't need it.

"Yes sir!" You smiled once more, this time showing more teeth. "I've been studying since the last one!"

"Good girl!" Oobleck said, and he walked back over to his desk.

You laid out your pen and pencil, then lined your binder with more paper.

Oobleck handed out the test once everyone was seated before setting a timer for exactly 1 hour.

You finished first, as expected, and waited patiently for him to grade your test. He handed it back, and a sloppily written '100' was laid on the top.

You placed it in your binder strictly for grades and put it up.

Oobleck handed you the attendance sheet and sent you to Ozpins office. You headed there excitedly. You couldn't wait to tell Glynda, your favorite staff member, about your perfect grade.

A man with black hair waited with an impatiently tapping foot. You stood beside him and waited for the elevator as well.

"Thought it was test day?" The man spoke first, his voice gravelly and his flask in his hand.

"I completed the test, mister Qrow." You smiled and waited on his response.

When no response came, you stepped on the elevator. He followed, and pushed the top floor button.

"Where ya headed, kid?"

"Top floor as well, sir." You smiled.

He instantly shut up and turned his head. How strange.


Qrow felt his heart beat aggressively. God that smile...God that mouth.

Oh, what he would do.

But you were as goody goody. The type to have dinner ready by 6 and the beds made every morning for a working husband.

"You plan on getting married when ya get out of school?" He asked. His weak attempt at breaking the thin awkwardness had only made it thicker.

"Well, sir, I plan to be working a job." You replied.

A girl that could handle her own? Yes please!

But something about you made him want to be the one supporting you. He wanted to have you be a housewife. He wanted to come home to you everyday and he wanted to be able to control you.

He wanted you to be his, and his alone.

"So no man?" Qrow tried to even out the silence once more.

"Don't need one, sir. I can be my own man."

Damn...so you really didn't need him

Unless he made you need him. Unless he ripped your legs off the bone and laid you on the floor until you begged to be picked up. That way you really would need him.

That way no one could take you.

And that way you could be his, and his alone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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