Beach Day!

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Deku's POV
It's been about a week since me and Todoroki had gotten married, and I'm still so happy! I haven't been able to stop smiling ever since! While I'm getting ready in the bathroom, I get a text message from Uraraka.

Uraraka:Morning Deku! How would you and Todoroki like to come with me and Iida to the beach today? It's gonna be really hot today so why not?
Deku:Sure! Come by around 10 and we should be ready!
Uraraka:Great! See you then!

I turn my phone off and continue getting ready. Once I'm done, I walk to the kitchen where Todoroki was cleaning up. "Hey Todoroki! Uraraka and Iida are going to the beach and asked if we wanted to come along! Are you up to it?" I ask him. "Sure. When are they coming over?" He asks me. "Around 10." I tell him. "Alright. Let me finish up the kitchen." He tells me continuing to clean. I nod and walk away.

10 o clock came around and me and Todoroki were ready. Iida and Uraraka come around and we hop into their car and head off to the beach. We soon arrive and we came early so the beach wasn't crowded. We find a great place and we set up. We put up the huge umbrella and our towels. "Come on Deku! Let's make a sand castle! The best one!" Uraraka says to me once we were done setting up. "Ok!" I say and run off with her.

Todoroki's POV
Deku and Uraraka ran off to make a sand castle while me and Iida sit on our towels under the umbrella and talked to each other. "So, how are you two newly wedded couple?" Iida says giving me a smug face. "We're great." I reply to him. "By the way, do you still have your job at the store?" He asks me. "Yeah, but I still haven't gotten the chance to prove to the managers that my supervisor needs to be fired. The only time I ever did catch her on camera was on the security cameras and she deleted the footage to it!" I tell him starting to get annoyed at her again.

"Seriously? Well, does she treat you any worse?" He asks since now me and Midoriya are married. "Yes actually! Since she knows we're married, she hates me even more now! If I can't get proof, I might just have to quit!" I say to him because with her around it's not a good work environment. "Have you told Midoriya yet?" He asks curiously. "No, he's been so happy since the wedding, I don't want to make him feel bad yet!"

"When do you plan to tell him?" Iida asks. "I'm not sure. Whenever the time seems right." I tell him finishing off the topic. About an hour had past and Iida and Uraraka were playing in the water while me and Midoriya were sitting under the umbrella just enjoying each other's company. That's when I spotted a good stand selling some ice cream. I stand up. "I'll be back. I'm gonna get us some ice cream." I tell him. "Alright!" He says to me and I walk off.

I wait in the short line until I got to the front. "Two vanilla please-" but my voice trailer off as I realized who was running the stand. It was my SUPERVISOR! Why is she EVERYWHERE I go??! "What are you doing here?!" I ask her shocked. "This is my second job! A job in which I have the right to refuse service to anyone! So hop along Shoto!" She says saving her hand in a shoo motion.

"It's 100° outside! It's like the sun is trying to kill me! Just give me a dang ice cream!" I say to her getting mad. "I don't think you heard me. I have the RIGHT to refuse service to ANYONE!" She says leaning a little bit over the counter. I sigh out of annoyance. "Fine, don't serve me ice cream! It's just some more money you're not gonna earn! And since you have to have a second job, it seems like you really need that money!" I say to her then walked back over to Midoriya.

I sit down next to him. "Where is the ice cream?" He asks. "They were out. Sorry." I lie to him so he doesn't have to know it was because of my supervisor. "Too bad I'm so hot! Let's get in the water!" He says standing up feeling better. I stand up with him. "Sure." I agree with him. He grabs my hand and drags me down the beach to the water and out where Uraraka and Iida were.

We stayed in the water for a few good hours until we went back to our spot. At this time, the beach was pretty much packed. We all share ourselves from the sun under our large beach umbrella. "Oh! I forgot! We actually brought a basket with snacks! It's still in the car!" Uraraka says since we were all hungry. "I'll go get it!" Iida says walking away to get the basket. "That water didn't help for long! I'm really hot again!" Midoriya says laying flat down on his towel.

"Come here." I tell him. He sits up and sits closer to me. I activate my ice quirk and start cooking him down. "How does that feel?" I ask him. "So much better!" He says laying his head on my shoulder to cool down. I also noticed Uraraka had taken a picture of us with her phone. "My new favorite memory of this trip!" She says putting he phone away. Iida soon returns with the basket and we all dig in. That's when Midoriya looked over at the ice cream stand.

"Hey it looks like they got more ice cream! I'm gonna try to go get some now!" He says standing up and begins running over to it. "Wait! Midoriya!" I call to him running after him trying to stop him. He was halfway through the line by the time I had caught up. "Midoriya, listen. We don't wanna get ice cream from here." I try to warm him. "But why?" He asks. "It's just ice cream!" He says. "But I mean-" but I didn't have to finish the sentence because we were at the front of the line and my supervisor sees us.

"I thought I told you! You can't buy ice cream here!" She says looking at me. "But why are you working here?" Midoriya asks wondering why she was here. "It's my second job! Now scram!" She says to us. "If you need money that you need a second job, wouldn't you be jumping at any chance you have to get money?!" I tell her. "I'd rather get money illegally from a mafia boss than get money from you two!" She says back to us.

"Come on Midoriya. Shes not gonna change her mind. Let's just go." I say to him grabbing his hand and start walking away. "No!" He says getting his hand free from mine and marches back up to my supervisor. "Midoriya!" I call back to him follow behind him. "I don't care what you believe is right or wrong but when you're working, you're not supposed to let that get in the way of your work! I'm also tired of this treatment! Why can't you just give us the ice cream?" Midoriya tells at her.

I've never seen Midoriya so mad! "If you keep trying to get an ice cream I will attack you in a heartbeat!" She yells back. I put my hands on his shoulders and start bringing him back to our spot. "Midoriya it's no use." I tell him. "Believe me I've tried fighting back before but it's useless!" I tell him. He sighs calming down and I take my hands off his shoulders as we keep walking back to our spot. "It's just not fair." He says. "I know it isn't but it there's no winning." I tell him.

We get back to our spot and sit back down, and Midoriya still sits next to me to cool down from my quick. This is why I didn't want to tell him about her yet! The day begins to come to an end so before we had to leave, me and Midoriya went to talk along the beach alone for a while until we have to leave. The water looks orange from the sunset. "You know Midoriya I've never seen you so angry before." I tell him referring to what happened earlier today.

"I was just mad because it's not fair she treats us like this." He tells me looking down at the sand as we walk along the sand together holding hands. "I know, it's the worst thing in the world. But it's not like she has any control over us. She can't stop us from loving each other, and she can't stop me or you from just going to another store to buy stuff or work at." I say to him. "But I just don't understand why why you never try to fight back. She's horrible!" He says to me looking at me.

"Believe me Midoriya. I did once. But it almost costed me my job! And it's just no use either." I say looking at him. "I would just like to go somewhere where she isn't around all the time!" He says look back down at the sand. "Me too but don't worry. Everything will be ok. Even if can't get another job, one of my coworkers told me that my supervisors manager might fire her and get a different one." I tell him. "Really?" He says looking at me. I nod. "Of course it's just a rumor." I tell him. "I'll take it!" He says looking ahead of us.

The truth is though, none of that is true. I made that up to make him happy. That supervisor is not gonna be fired for a long time. Soon we have to head back and Iida and Uraraka return is to our house. Where we get changed and go straight to bed exhausted.

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