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Todoroki's POV
The next morning I woke up, I could see Midoriya was already wide awake. I sit up and look at him and then he looks over at me. Now this could just be me but his skin looks much more pale than usual. I decided to ask him some questions again. "Can you try and speak now?" I didn't think he'd actually be able to but a miracle happened! It was VERY quiet but I could hear him say, "Todoroki!"

We were both so happy! But I told him to still not talk, so his voice can still rest. Then I went back to asking questions. "Were you sick in the night?" He shakes his head no. "Were you hungry or thirsty at all in the night?" He shakes his head no. "Are you now?" He nods his head yes. "Do you feel a little bit better today?" He nods his head yes. That's good to know he's feeling a little bit better. "Ok, I'll make some soup." I say standing up and then heading over to the kitchen.

Shortly after I was making Midoriya his soup, Tomo had came down quietly and came into the living room. "Morning papa! Are you feeling better today?" She asks quietly in which Midoriya nods his head yes. She smiles brightly once she saw that. And then she came over to me in the kitchen and I look down at her. "Daddy, can you give this to papa?" She asks holding up something to me. I take it from her and saw it was an adorable homemade "Get Well Soon!" Card.

"Of course I can." I tell her as I walk over to Midoriya and she watches from the kitchen. I hand it to Midoriya and he reads it, which brings a smile to his face. That's how both of us knew he loved it. After that, I made Tomo her breakfast, eggs and bacon, and then I gave Midoriya his soup and water. I also got myself some breakfast by making myself some eggs and bacon.

So after breakfast a few hours past, and around 11:34 AM, while I was cleaning up the kitchen, Midoriya was just looking around and Tomo was quietly drawing at the table, the phone rings. I run over to it and pick it up. "Hello?" I answer it. It was the hospital! After a short conversation, I hang up. "That was the hospital. They have the tests results!"

"Really?" Tomo says exited. "Yes now go get ready." I tell her, in which she complies and runs up to her room to get dressed. I walked over to Midoriya and I wanted him to try and stand up on his own, see if he can. He slowly sits up and then slowly starts getting up. He did it! He can get up on his own! But he couldn't stay up for long and still couldn't walk on his own so I help him again. But that could be a good sign!

By the time I got Midoriya to the door and got his shoes on, Tomo came downstairs ready. She was wearing a shirt Midoriya gave to her as well as her red shorts and her yellow how in her hair. Then we head out the door, get into the car, and drive off to the hospital.

When I glance over to Midoriya, while he was paler than usual, he seems like he's getting a little better! Which is good! We get to the hospital, and then we get inside. After talking with the receptionist, we sit in the waiting room to wait. Then a nurse brings us to an office where we waited for a little longer, and then Dr. Nissho comes in, carrying some papers. "So I got the results from the tests as you know, and we now know his sickness."

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask him. "It appears Izuku here as Anemia." He tells us. "What's that?" I ask him since I don't understand what that is. "Anemia is a decrease in the total amount of red blood cells. Izuku shows all the symptoms of it. Feeling tired, weakness, pale skin, and the other symptoms you told me about." He tells me. "Well how do you cure it?" I ask him. "Well, there is no prescription for it but all you have to do is do exactly what you did yesterday."

"Just have him rest, eat and drink a lot of water and food, and of course, try to keep a quiet environment. Although I can give you a prescription to help with that voice thing. So once he's better, his voice will be the same." He tells me. "We'll do that then!" I agree. "Very well. Then on your way home you may pick it up from the pharmacy." Dr. Nissho says. "Thank you very much." I say standing up with Midoriya and Tomo.

Once we get everything else sorted out, we take off to the pharmacy, and then home. We get to the pharmacy and I park outside it. "Alright, now, Midoriya. Me and Tomo are going to quickly go in and get it and then come back out. Ok?" I tell him looking over at him. Midoriya nods and then I get out with Tomo and start walking to the entrance. "Is it ok to leave papa in the car?" Tomo asks me. "Yes, it will be quick. He'll be fine." I reassure her.

We get in, get his prescription, and then go back out to the car. I get Tomo in and then I put the bag with his medicine next to the seat between me and Midoriya. With that, we pull out of the parking lot and head to our house. When I glanced over at Midoriya, he was trying to mouth something to me. I was trying to read his lips while keeping my eyes on the road, when eventually I had to pull over so I could figure this out.

Eventually, I found out what he was saying. He said, "I think I'm starting to get a headache." That's what I was able to find out. "Don't worry Midoriya, you will be fine! Trust me! Once you're through this sicknesses, you'll be fine!" I tell him and then I start up the car again and head home. We get there and once I parked the car in the driveway, I help Midoriya inside. Tomo goes up to her bedroom once we're inside and I lay Midoriya back down on the couch.

Once he was layed down, I read the back of the bottle to figure out how Midoriya is supposed to take them. Long story short, Midoriya eventually got his medication, and then dinner time rolled around. While Tomo was in her room, I made spaghetti for me and Tomo, and more chicken noodle soup for Midoriya, who had his eyes closed. I'm pretty sure he was trying to go to sleep but was obviously having trouble. I don't blame him.

Deku's POV
I feel like my head is going to explode! Being sick sucks! And what sucks even more, is when you're really tired and want to sleep but you can't! It's just horrible! And my hearing is also muffled because of the sickness! It's just not fun at all! But I'm so lucky to have Todoroki! I mean he's so caring and doesn't even care if he gets sick from me! I love him so much! AND Tomo has been so quite for me! It's just amazing! I wouldn't ask for a better family!

Todoroki finishes making dinner and sits down at the table with Tomo after he gives me my soup. After we all finish our dinner, Todoroki cleans up while I try and fall asleep. But it's impossible! I just can't fall asleep! My head hurts so much! And I feel tired, but I can't sleep! It's just horrible! I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.

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