Chapter Four

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   I remember the darkness. The cold. Shivering. I don't know how long I was down there. I had no food. No water. I could hear the guards threatening and teasing me. I learned to drown them out.
    I slowly figured out I was in a cell. A cell without lights. Windows. I couldn't see a thing. I stayed close to the wall. The wall brought some comfort.

    I felt like death had come for me. I laid on the cold, damp cell floor. My body felt so weak. I needed to get out of here. I didn't want to die alone. I didn't want to die to him. I weakly stood up, leaning against the wall for support.
    I slowly started to walk along the wall. I almost fell back to the ground. It was like I had forgotten how to walk. I put more concentration in moving my feet. I began to move again. I used my hands to feel along the wall.
    The material was so kind of stone. It felt rough to the touch. I felt something different. It felt like an imprint. It took my brain a few moments to realize what it was. Claw marks. Demonic claw marks. Why would he torture demons?

    Alarmed by the claw marks, I continued walking. I let my hands run along the stone. The texture felt familiar. I tried to think of where I was. I even tried to think of what I could remember. I was kidnapped.
    I tried to move faster. To will myself into finding the exit. My hand lost the wall. There was another open area. I felt around, confused. My hand hit a knob. I pulled it open, but didn't move.
    I opened my eyes, seeing the bright light. I looked around me. I was in the far corner of the room. In the center was a pit of bodies that was littered with spikes. I covered my mouth to hold back screams. I looked around, trying to identify the claw marks I felt. In the corner closest to me, a demon stood.
    I panicked. He grinned and flashed a pair of green eyes in my direction. I trembled in fear and ran out the door. The door slammed shut, and I was blinded by brighter lights than I have ever seen. They were so white.

   Someone started to clap. I rubbed my eyes as they focused on the sound around me. Then the lights dimmed, and I could see again. In front of me, two men stood. One man wore a blue suit and seemed to be more focused on whatever drink was in his hand.
   The other was the "king." He wore a black suit now. It matched his eyes and hair. I shook my head.
   "I can't believe he didn't kill you!" The "king" chuckled. "He is such an aggressive thing."

    "Your highness, with all due respect, why don't we just get rid of the vile creature?" The blue man asked. He stared at me. Me? Vile? I don't even know what that means, so ha!
    "Yes, your douchness, get rid of me." I smirked. The blue man raised a brow. He laughed.
    "I like this one!" He crossed his arms over his chest.
    "Just tell me where your baby sister went, and I will free you." The "king" folded his hand in front of him.

    I stared at the two men. They couldn't be serious. Why would I tell them where I went? Ha.
    "Where even am I?" I tried to change the subject. If I knew where I was, I could plan an escape. The "king" laughed.
    "You haven't figured it out yet, pet?" The "king" leaned towards me, grinning.
    "Dark." The other man sighed. The "king's" name was Dark. Interesting.
    "Angel of darkness." I sang to myself, laughing. "Hello darkness, my old friend." The other man burst out laughing. He composed himself and looked at Dark.
    "Have fun with this one." Then he began to vanish in a cloud of blue smoke. Dark turned to me and growled. I blinked, startled.

    In a matter of seconds, I was locked in a bedroom. I banged on the door in front of me. A laugh emerged behind me. Dark stood. I turned, staring at him.
    "Alright, pet, tell me where your sister is." He smirked.
    "Never!" I shouted at him.
    "I am your king! Do not raise your voice to me." He growled in anger. I walked towards him.
    "You are no king of mine. You murderer!" I screamed at him. He pinned me to the wall. I tried to punch his arms to let me go, but he didn't.
    "I am your king. I am superior to you, pet." He grinned. I spit in his face.
    "You may be superior, but that doesn't mean I can't annoy the hell out of you." I said proudly. He pushed my head against the wall, wiping his face off with his sleeve.
    "Last chance, where is your sister?" He growled. The world around us turned dark and red. Everything looked different. Shadows bent around us. His voice got deeper. I looked around in fascination. He froze. "You are not scared of me?" He whispered.
    "Why would I be afraid of you?" I snapped. "I am ready for my death...are you?"

    He let me drop to the floor. The world slowly shifted back to normal. I knelt on the ground, trying to calm down. I looked up at him. He was readjusting his sleeves. He folded his hands.
    He looked at me. He stared into my eyes. For the first time since I first saw him, there was sympathy in those heartless eyes.

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