Episode 2 | Begin

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Scene 1

(The screen opens to a humble shop. A rectangle wooden counter dominates the middle of the room. A swinging wooden door allows access to the enclosed counter area. A rotund man, with greying dirt brown hair and a handlebar mustache, stands behind the counter helping a customer. The customer leaves shortly after. Around the shop are several shelves holding various items. On one side of the store is food items. In the back behind the counter is a shelving set half picked over of loaves of bread. The other side of the store carries non-food items.)

(Over on the food side, a young man, of about 21 years of age, is pushing bags of dried fruit into rows and changing price tags to match the items. He seems to be enjoying himself. He has on an easy smile. The overall feel to the shop is calming and relaxing.)

(The silence of the shop is broken when an outraged yell comes from the aisle behind the young man.)

?: Why wont you fit? I KNOW you do!

(The young man pauses in his work to listen to the woman. He hesitates a moment longer, before going back to his work.)

?: Oh for Tari's sake go on the bloody shelf! (the woman squawks and then the shattering of glass reaches the young man's ears. He flinches as he hears the contents of the jar spilling on the ground. Then silence fills the air once more.)

(The young man sighs and leaves his work behind to go check on who was working the shelves behind him. When he sees who it is, his face falls into concern. He had only been living here a month but he knew the woman well enough to know she worked here quite often.)

Tova: Hey... Need some help?

(The woman has golden brown hair that grows to about mid way down her back. She is wearing simple clothes, denim jeans and a plain black t-shirt. Her work apron was loosely tied around her waist. Both her hands held her face as she knelt in the mess of rice and glass. We recognize her as an older Desra.)

Desra: I don't need help. I can do it.

Tova: I really can help.

Desra: Well I don't need it! (She snaps this, but it loses fire at the end.)

Tova: (holds out a hand to her, offering to help her up.) It isnt safe to kneel in glass. Are you alright?

Desra: (She reluctantly takes his hand and he helps her stand. As she stands, she lets out a hiccup of strained laughter) Does it look like I'm okay? No! It doesn't! (Her voice cracks. It sounds like she is on the verge of crying)

Tova: May I please help? (His voice leaves no room for arguing.)

Desra: Sure. (She says defeatedly. She looks down to avoid his gaze and steps out of the mess of rice.)

Tova: Why don't you go fetch the broom, while I block off the aisle from customers?

Desra: (nods and runs her fingers through her hair and pulls it back over her shoulder. Her eyes look weary and bags can be seen under her eyes. She starts to walk away, but stops and says quietly.) Thanks Tova. I appreciate it.

Tova: Anytime. If you need any help, just ask okay?

(She merely nods before going to fetch the broom. She returns shortly and Tova goes about cleaning up the spilled rice with a broom. He dumps the rice in the garbage and puts the broom away. Desra slowly works on putting items on the shelf. Tova watches her carefully. He watches her movements for a moment. Her hands shake and her coordination seems to be a bit off as she misplaces a few items. He sighs and grabs her hand to stop her from continuing.)

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