A New Start

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"...finally..." I say

Here I am, in nothing but an oversized t-shirt and converse sneakers, at a bus station. Taking me to god knows where.

Sweat dripping down my face from all of the running, I stoop down and plop my weary-self onto the cold bench. "Geez, thought they'd never stop chasing me..." I say, through heavy, exhausted, breaths. "Stupid raccoons."

I take my shoes off and slam them to the ground. "Ow..my poor feet." I say to myself, as I rub my sore feet to health. Doing so, I look at my surroundings to see if there were any other signs of life. After what seems to be an eternity, I finally catch my eye on what seems to be a man on the opposite side of the street. Looking at me. "Ok. Creepy." I say as I slip my shoes on.

A few minutes pass and still no sign of the bus. "What time is it? Shouldn't the bus be here already?" I say to myself, not expecting an answer but to my surprise, I get an answer. "It's 2 in the morning. The bus should be here in about 30 minutes."

"Ahhh!! Jesus freaking- hey, aren't you the guy that was standing over....there?" I point in the direction of where the man from earlier was standing. Only, there was no man anymore. Instead, that very man, was sitting next to me on the bench.

He was dressed in a black leather jacket, followed by a black t-shirt underneath. Black skinny jeans and black sneakers.

I guess he didn't want to be seen by anyone. Do I say anything? I guess a "thank you" is in order.

And as if he could read my mind, the mysteriously dressed man says, "You're welcome."

Not long after the weird encounter with the man, an awkward silence drifted in upon the two of us. Causing me to be unsteady and cautious. I didn't know this man. Nor do I know his intentions. He could be waiting for the bus, like me, yes; but I can't shake this weird, awry feeling when I look at him.

The fact that he's wearing all black is unsettling. His sudden appearance next to me on the bench, almost as if he teleported next to me. The fact, just minutes before that, he was standing on the opposite side of the road, staring at me. Nothing was normal about this encounter, and I've had many weird encounters with many different people in my 18 years of life on this earth.

Despite most of these said people were mafia bosses and businessmen from across the world trying to make deals with my father. You'd think I'd be used to this by now; but this doesn't feel right.

If any of my 18 years of being in the hands of my father were worth mentioning, it would be the martial arts training he forced me into. I know all there is when it comes to defending myself.

Come at me you vile creatures! I'll give you a piece of this!

I think to myself. A smile creeping onto my face as I imagine the picture of me kicking ass runs across my mind. It would be creepy from outsiders looking in but I don't care.

And as soon as the thought crosses, it vanishes just as fast; the sound of the bus making its way towards the stop I'm at. I quickly look beside me and, sure enough, that man is still there. Lounging without a care in the world.

The bus pulls up, opening it's doors for the new passengers to climb aboard. I stand, making my way towards the opening before me.

"Have a nice ride, Kim Y/N." The man says.

I whip my head towards where the man is sitting. He's not looking down anymore. He's looking at me, right in the eyes. Smiling a smug smile. A fear whooshes through my body at lightning speed. Cause myself to become dizzy; but before I could fall to my infinite death, I hear a man call out to me.

"Hey! Hey lady! I haven't got all day so if you could hop on and sit down? That would be great." The bus driver says. I obliged and "hop on" the bus. Still dizzy and confused from what just happened.

"There's no way he knows where this is taking me. Surely. I don't even know where this goes..." I say quietly. Almost in a whisper.

And as if it never happened, the bus moves forward. Taking me to my unknown destination where I will begin a completely new and normal life. Away from my father and his crazy beliefs and ideals about "keeping the bloodline pure." Or whatever bullshit he spats all the time at me. As if I actually care.

I'm over the mafia and gang bull. I'm over being pushed away and neglected. I'm over being nothing more than a vessel for my father and his long line of mafia history. I refuse to be a part of it.

I will flourish in this new life and be successful at it.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this new project I'm working on. Please don't forget to follow me for more!

Happy Pill // BTS gang FFWhere stories live. Discover now