Different Worlds

16 1 0

  "Wow!" I exclaim, as I lay eyes on the city before me.

  The city of Seoul. A large city in South Korea. A different world from inside the walls of my fathers mansion.

  Believe it or not, I've never even left my neighborhood, unless it was to "events" to meet people, particularly men, with my father. It was a sick way to find my husband. Father always had this idea to "keep the bloodline pure" by marrying me into another mafia family. Against my will. Whatever he chose was that. Final.

  Of course I refused. Multiple times and each time I got a beating from one of fathers men. The thought of having another mans hands on me made me sick to the core. The fact that father let it happen- No, ordered it to happen, is even worse but not surprising.

  But I have since left that life behind and I cannot afford to be caught. I have to lay low somehow.

  But how? I have no where to live. No money. I don't know anyone here. How am I supposed to survive if I don't even have the basics down? As I start to panic slightly, I feel a light, gentle tap on my shoulder.

I turn and meet the eyes of a beautiful woman. "Hi! Are you ok? You got off of that bus and just-!" Before she could finish I run off and sit on the bus bench. Cradling myself in hopes she'll just leave me alone.

Maybe if she thinks I'm crazy, she'll keep her distance. Yeah....that should work. I think to myself.

"Uh..excuse me? I can help you if you want." She says.


I turn sheepishly to the woman behind me. The back of the bench being the only separation between us. "I-I'm sorry. What did you say?" I ask shyly. I've never talked to another woman my age outside of my familial bounds. Usually it would be my mother or little sister. This time, it's a stranger. A woman I've never met before. Weird how I am comfortable around men more than women. My own gender. Ugh.

"I said I could help you. My names Cho Jaehyung but you can just call me Jae." Jaehyung holds out her hand in greeting. I hesitate before mashing our hands together in a show of civil communication. "My names..." I trail off.

Crap! I can't tell her my real name. Think Y/N, think!

"Uh..my names Park Y/N!" I almost yell it in her face. "Oops, sorry." I apologize. Jaehyung just smiles and giggles a split second. "That's ok. I'm glad to have met you Y/N."

She turns and looks around before landing her eyes back on me. "Is that all you have?" Jaehyung points at my clothes.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I've only got a t-shirt and shoes on. I have nothing.

"Uh..yeah. I don't really have anything. Money or clothes or anything." I say. I explain that I ran away from home but that is all I spared. I wouldn't dare bring this stranger, this kind and beautiful stranger, into my old world. She wouldn't survive it. I hardly did and I grew up in it.

"Ah man! That sucks. I'm sorry. I know! You can come with me! I'll show you around and everything. I know where we can grab some really good food around here." Jaehyung exclaims. I giggle at her excitement of gaining a new acquaintance. I have to say, I'm excited myself.
After some time of roaming the city and eating a good meal, Jaehyung and I, finally, sit down.

"So, I had a great time today! Thanks for tagging along, Y/N." Jaehyung says. I nod and flash a smile. "Say, you said you had nothing if I recall...that includes a place to stay?" Jaehyung asks. I hesitate before saying "Yes." "Ok! Then just come stay with me. I've been looking for a roommate anyway. I've got a spare room and it even has its own bathroom." Jaehyungs eyes gleam with excitement. I find myself getting lost in her eyes. I've never seen a persons eyes look that way. It's amazing.

My trance was ended by the brunette in front of me. "So, what do you say? Come live with me!" She exclaims. My eyes widen, "What? I can't. We just met. I wouldn't want to intrude. Not after you've bought my meal and showed me around. You've done enough for me. Really." I try to turn her offer down. I wouldn't want to intrude on someone like that. Wouldn't be right.

"What're you talking about? I'm offering for you to stay with me so it's not intruding, and you didn't ask me to show you around or buy your meal. I did that on my own. Out of my own will. So, please, stay with me!" She insists. After thinking it over for 30 more seconds, I finally agree to her offer. The brunette jumps up with glee at my answer and takes my hand in hers.

"C'mon! I'll show you where you'll be staying!" Jaehyung exclaims. I laugh and follow her. Allowing her to drag me to our destination.

This really is a different world...

Two chapters down! Hope you enjoyed and don't worry, our lovely boys will be showing soon. 😂❤️

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