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♡♥¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸♥♡
                                 ~Tobi Pov~
Leading the way like two rebellious teenagers, I took (Y/n) hand in hand as we ran through the forest together. She had no idea where I was leading her too but a part of me really hoped she'd like it.

"Hey Tobi you think we can slow down a bit these bushes kinda hurt." She said with a squiggled mouth and curled brows as she closed her legs together. My eyes drifted down to them to see the skin that was exposed had received a few cuts and snags from the thorned trees and flourish around us.

I gasped in disappointment of my own negligence as my hand squeezed hers gently apologetically.

"It's not bad it's just a little itchy but I should be-FINE!" She yelled as I picked her up mid sentence.

"It'll be easier this way (Y/n)~chan! This way the nature won't attack you!" I said happily with a smile she couldn't see as my arms rested under her back and behind her knees. Her hands planted themselves flat against my chest and curled the cloth under it during my sudden action. The sudden grip made my eye widen in surprise.

"O-Okay where are we even headed?" She asked as her eyes darted around us then went wide with shadows over it. "Are we lost." She muttered deeply with intense worry as she brought her hands up to her face curled slightly. She looked like a flustered anime girl.

Her cute self made me stifle out a little laugh for a moment breaking my Tobi persona and letting the gruffness of my voice return.

                              ~1st Person~
He let out a little chuckle at my anxieties but he sounded a bit different for a moment. My ears picked up the slightest hint of rasp beneath his voice as it lowered for a moment. My gaze drifted up to his single eye hole as the sudden change caught me off guard and caused me to stare into his onyx colored eyes.

"No Tobi is a great navigator! We should be there any minute now!" He said with his chipper and gleeful tone returning as the scruffiness fled his tone.

Tobi carried me past foliage and large wooden trees before the earth opened up before us to reveal a steep incline that led up to a watery peak. Water spewed and gushed out from the top that poured down into a waterfall to a pond that sat right at our feet. The smell of water and earth was fresh in the air, my lungs filled with the sweet refreshing scent as Tobi sat me down on my feet.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" I asked in awe with my mouth slightly agape from the shock of the beauty that washed over my gaze. This waterfall was absolutely gorgeous, rocks covered the surrounding parts of the pond and climbed all the way up to the top where the water spawned from. As I stood small compared to Tobi I could feel the slight tickle of water droplets fall against my cheeks. A smile tugged at my lips as the strips on them lifted with my happy expression. I turned to him about to express my excitement when I noticed the sudden strip of cloth against the ground at our feet.

The dark cloak with red clouds had sifted down and made home with the grass and rocks below our feet. My lashes flew up in surprise as I saw him beginning to strip away at his clothes one by one until he was left in nothing but boxers and ofcourse he left his mask on.

I covered a hand over my mouth as my face flushed red. My eyes had a mind of their own as they trailed and caressed all over his barren skin. Flickering over his broad shoulder and his lean physique, my gaze couldn't be striped away from the toned detail upon his arms and chest. Not to mention the slight indents of muscle over his abdomen leading down and the beginning of two lines leading down to somewhere concealed that my eyes just so happened to glance over.

♡Candy hearts♡〘Tobi x reader〙Where stories live. Discover now