6 •~ My Princess ~•

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Y/N wake up as the sun light hit her face , she stretched her arms and look around to find JIMIN but he was not there...

"i wanna go home"
"what if i ask him?? "
"will that be a good idea?? "

You got up walk to the bathroom room clean yourself up and wore Jimin's tshirt

While you were looking yourself at the mirror...JIMIN came inside holding a shopping bag

"morning princess 💜, did you sleep well?" he came to you and kiss your forehead lightly

"uh..yes what's that?" you asked him curiously

"oh... Its your clothes i bought it for you , see if you like it and if you want more Oppa will buy more okay princess "

"no its okay this is enough..
Hmmm....Jimin?? " you slowly stand beside him and look up to him...you don't even know why but you kinda regret saying it

"hmm?? " he responded

"can i g-go home..Ple-ase"

"no!! No!! Do i have to slap you just to make you stop asking that question!!!! "

You flinched as he shout out loud with anger

"you-your a monster" i run out of the room while crying


As Y/n ran out crying i feel bad but angry at the same time

"baby you don't really know how much i love you... I'll give you anything but not just that
I can't take it when you are far from me....i want you all to myself


I set down at the coach thinking about what just happen it really scares the hell out of me to see him angry

As i was thinking i saw JIMIN and other came down it seems like they were having some fun as they were laughing at eachother

Jimin still didn't notice me untill Tae talk to me but Jimin expression change from angel to demon when he saw me..."oh hey princess moring" Tae greeted me as he came to me and hug me giving me a sweet kiss on my cheeks "morning Tae"
"stop talking nonsense and lets go Tae " Jimin speak not even looking at me and walk out so did Tae

*he ignored me!! I don't know why but i fell so bad and it hurts to see him ignoring me*

??: Good morning princess

Y/n : OMG!! You scared me!!

??: I'm sorry princess (she bow so many time as an apology)

Y/n: its ok.. Stop that😊 you don't have to do that btw you look way older than me...(she smile at me)
Anyway why is everyone calling me Princess?😑

??: its because Mrs Park order us to do..he told us to treat you like a Princess...oh.. And btw I'm Lee, the one of who look after all the maids here ...you can call me Aunty

Y/n : oh.. Okay..umm Aunty Lee when will Jimin came home??
I asked her as she chuckled lightly
"i see you already miss him... Dear he will be back at night don't worry"
"i really want to go home"i said as she hug me "princess don't say that JIMIN really love you and want to be with you like always....you know ever since the first day he met you...not only Jimin but all the person in this house talks about you all day,,they really love you and care for you
Jimin wants to take care of you so just give him time"with that she when away leaving me

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