12 •~Ji-jimin I'm scared ~•

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After i done cleaning myself i went down to find JIMIN, i slowly walk around the house for about a minute but i didn't see him i feel a bit scared..while i was searching for him i got a call , i took my phone to see who it was...it was SEULGI



You : H-hi

Sg: How are you, i was worried about you!?

You : R-really?

Sg : What do you mean by"really" ??

You : N-noting I-I'm fine

Sg : okay well Y/N i wanna apologize for not helping you that day, i was so scared and shocked , I'm so sorry

You: It's okay Seulgi

Sg : Well i guess from today onwards its just you and me right

You : y-yeah

Sg : well i gotta go bye

She cut the call~

"I really don't know why i feel a bit uncomfortable with her, she should have helped me that day but she didn't , it's seems like she enjoy watching me like that but Now she apologized !saying that she was scared and shocked , What happened to Irene? What did JIMIN do to her? "

I was thingking about it for a while but i got distracted once i heard JIMIN cute chuckled, my face lighten up and i feel calm, i start to search for him by listening to his soft chuckled

I was thingking about it for a while but i got distracted once i heard JIMIN cute chuckled, my face lighten up and i feel calm,  i start to search for him by listening to his soft chuckled

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I found them inside their meeting room , at first i hesitate to walk in as there where many of them but JIN spotted me standing besides the door

"oh our angel is here, come in and join us Y/n "

I feel a bit uncomfortable to join them but JIMIN came closer to me ,he hug me and whispers something "it's okay princess they wouldn't hurt you" i feel a bit relief with his words, he pull me inside and let me sit beside him

(A/N POV : okay let's make it clear, it's doesn't mean that you don't like to be with them anymore its just that you were a bit uncomfortable around other except JIMIN , since the incident about you and Irene, the incident gave you a slight of trouble hooking up with other)

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