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"You do NOT have multiple anal cavities."

"That's never stopped me before."


*doodling on paper we're playing tic tac toe on*

"Stop doodling."


"You're wasting space!"

*stops doodly doo* "Tell me about it."


"I'm dumb."

"No you aren't."

"I managed to cut my thumb-"

"That isn't really that-"

"-on a computer."



"I got back from pottery and my friend was making a butterfly and said "oh no my butterfly broke into 5 pieces" and I said "FORM VOLTRON!" And no one got it."


"I'll be indulged by MatPat's coochie stank."


"Hi, yeah, I just played tic tac toe against myself and lost both times."


'I can't tell if I'm that bad or that good."


"Alexa this is so sad play desperado."


"Stop fat-shaming my mangina."


*In deep voice* "Chunkay like a monkay."


There's more where that came from.

just a couple of idiots being dumbassesWhere stories live. Discover now