1 - stolen panties

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[cameron pictured above]

"I love you, Luna." I mumbled into my girlfriends ear softly, my lips brushing her earlobes as her dark brown, long, straight hair, fell in front of my face. She turned to face me, softly biting my bottom lip as she mumbled the phrase to my mouth.

"I love you too, Cameron." Her lips pushed against mine, and I softly gripped the back of her head, pulling her closer to me as we made out. Luna had been my girlfriend for the past few months, and my stomach filled with butterflies at this moment, the first time we said "I love you" to each other. My hand traveled down her neck, to her spine, trailing to her lower back until my fingers felt the soft lace of her panties pulled slightly above the soft, black shorts she were. My fingers shivered at the touch, the lace felt silky smooth, delightful. I kept my hand there for a while, until Luna grunted and sat up, her long black hair falling to the side of her head and over my face. I smiled up at her, then checked the time on my phone.

"Shit." I groaned. "It's getting, and we have school tomorrow." 9:30 pm on a Thursday, the best time for my parents to yell at me for being home too late. Georgia pouted softly, passionately kissing me one more time.

"Okay babe, I've gotta run to the bathroom really quickly, you grab your stuff and I'll meet you downstairs." She instructed, and I nodded, watching her go, before I got up and crossed her bedroom floor to my backpack resting against her dresser. I bent down to pick it up, when I noticed something sticking out of the bottom drawer my backpack leaned upon, something bright blue and lacy. I pulled it loose from its tight hold stuck on the drawer, and once again felt the silky smooth lace of one of my girlfriend's panties on my hands, loving the feeling. I looked around the room again to be sure she wasn't watching, then looked back at the underwear. I thought about how much I knew girls loved shopping for different types of underwear. Could it really be that comfortable? I considered it.

No, Cameron, that's stupid. You're a dude.

But the soft feeling was so tempting... and I've seen guys wearing their girlfriends underwear before... maybe only in certain, uh, videos, but I've seen it.

I was still undecided when I heard the bedroom door open again, and without thinking, I shoved the underwear into my opened backpack and zipped it up faster than the Flash could, probably. I stood up and spun to face Luna, pretending nothing happened. "Hey babe," I greeted her.

"Hi baby," she smiled, grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs. "You'd better go before my parents get mad." She told me as we reached the front door, massaging my shoulders lovingly and giving me one more peck on the cheek before I leave. I kissed the top of her head, said bye one last time, and left for my way home.


With a sigh, I stepped out of the shower, rough-dried my hair with a small towel and wrapped a larger one around my waist before heading back to my own room. I went to grab my clothes to sleep in when i remembered what was in my backpack, sitting on my bed. Making sure the door was locked, I slowly unzipped my backpack and pulled out Luna's bright blue, tiny, lacy underwear. Why did I take it, would it even fit me? I wondered, holding it up at all angles, trying to figure out which way they even go on. The underwear looked so small and tight, with barely any fabric clinging on in lacy strings on the sides, yet so pleasurable to feel on. However, this was not the first occasion I had wondered what being a girl would feel like in my life, and I assumed maybe this would give me some sort of answer.

Curiosity got the best of me and slowly, I dropped my towel and lowered the panties to the ground, slipping my legs in the holes one at a time. I almost let out a moan as the lace tickled ankles. I bit my lip softly, then slid the underwear the rest of the way up my legs, this time accidentally letting a low-pitched moan escape, embarassed that I made that noise. I guess I was right about them being pleasurable. The waistband fit tightly on my waist, and I had to pull the strings a little bit higher on my hip bone to ame sure they didn't start slipping down, causing the fabric in the back to go further up my butt like a thong. I looked in my bedroom mirror, and turned beet red. If anyone saw me like this, it would be so embarrassing. I turned to look at my butt, and laughed. If I bent over and someone just took a picture of my butt, I could totally say it was some girl's ass.

I walked back to my closet, feeling immense pleasure coursing through my veins every time the silky panties brushed up against my crotch when I walked, and picked out some pajamas, and I went to bed, feeling the panties against my skin all night.

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