6 - girls night out

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The next day was Sunday. I woke up really late and spent most of the day in my little silk pajamas from the night before, cuddling and making out with Luna all day. We made lunch together, with me practically glued to her side the whole time because of the way she wrapped her arm around me. But I loved it. After lunch, we were cuddling on the couch, watching a movie, me on top of Luna with my head resting on her chest and her hand massaging my butt again, when she paused it momentarily.

"Hey, I like this part!" I pouted. Luna laughed and gave me a quick kiss.

"Hold on, I have a surprise for you babygirl." She said. I propped my head up on my elbows and looked at her curiously. "We're going out tonight. To a party!" I jumped up off of her at this news.

"What?! You mean I'm going in public? Like this!?" I pointed at my outfit.

"Relax, babygirl, my cousin Andrew lives over an hour away from here. He doesn't know anyone that goes to our school, and the party is invite only. I promise you know one you know will be there. Besides, you'll be fully dressed as a girl, not just a boy in girl clothes. And I think you need to put this side of you out there! You say you don't want anyone else seeing you, but I think its good for you to be confident about yourself."


"Unless you want the pictures of you sent to everyone in the school, Cam, you don't have a choice. Please, do it for me?" Luna pleased. "You don't even have to use your real name if you're that scared of someone recognizing you."

"Fine." I grumbled. Luna hugged me with a small cheer, then glanced at the clock. "3 o'clock, baby." She squeezed my butt and I squealed, getting up from on top of her. "We'd better start getting ready."

"Already?" I pouted, wanting to cuddle more.

"Yes! I have to get both you and myself ready, and the party starts at 8 and it's an hour away. So you go get in the shower. You might want to shave again, and you can use my soap. Make sure it's the pink one from Victoria's Secret! I'll pick an outfit for you." Luna instructed. I quickly obeyed, scurrying up to her bathroom.

I put on one of Luna's fluffy bathrobes after my shower, shivering with pleasure as my freshly shaved legs brushed against each other. Luna was in nothing but a dark red pair of underwear and a matching bra, causing me to get a little hard. She told me to sit in a chair as she straddled my lap, music blasting to do my makeup.

By the time she was done, I already looked totally different. I was still a boy in a bathrobe, but now I had blindingly highlighted cheekbones and a shimmering nose, smoked out, sexy eyes with long, upturned lashes, hot pink, glossy lips, and Luna even helped me put in blue contact lenses that she had saved from Halloween to create even more of a disguise.

Then, she told me to sit on the bad and she opened another package. "What's that?" I asked.

"Your boobs and hips." Luna responded.

"What?" I cocked my head, but Luna gave me no answer. She pulled out two pale, flesh-colored breast forms and carefully glued them to my chest, using her makeup to contour and make them look more natural. Then, she pulled out some hip pads, making me drop my robe to stick them to my sides carefully, blending them in as well. She then handed me her computer, opened to YouTube.

"Now I'm gonna hop into the shower, and you better have learned how to tuck by the time I come back, because your dress is tight." She instructed, and left. I turned to admire myself in the mirror first, gaping at what I saw. Besides my pretty obvious dick, I looked completely like a girl's body! The breasts looked so real, and they felt real too! I squished them and moved them around, even jumped up and down a little to watch them jiggle so realistically. It made me a little hard. My hips looked curvier too, and I'm sure by the time Luna was done with me I'd be completely unrecognizable.

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