<Part 1> *Unfinished*

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* I lost the finished part of this... I'll rewrite it another Time*

“What the hell did you do?!”

“I don’t know just run!”

“Why does this always happen with you?!” I didn’t bother to give that a reply, only ran. She followed close behind. Weapon drawn and periodically firing back towards the mass of people, or at least humanoids that followed us. “No guns. We’re not being paid to kill them” I yelled out of breath.

“Fine,” she yelled followed by a volley of mumbled curses as she holstered her weapon. Without having to concentrate on firing back towards the mass she easily outpaced me. Mid-thought my legs fell out from under me and I hit heavily, skidding across the loose leaf litter that was scattered across the forest floor. I swore under my breath. Trying to pull myself to my feet. I fell again and in an instant noticed my legs were bound by a primitive rope and stone combination. She had stopped a few meters in front of me and starred back concern written across her face. “Just run! Get the ship!” I threw her the prize we had come all this way for. A thin shred of bark with an unreadable script scribbled upon it. Whatever it said was worth a lot of credits to someone out there and that was why we were here.

She caught it deftly and without a second glance ran towards where we had landed the ship. Well, time to try and talk my way out of this. I flipped myself to be laying on my back. Hands shoved out in front of me hands open and palms flat, hopefully to show I wasn’t a threat. “Hey! Hey!” I yelled as one pointed a spear towards my face. “Look no weapon, hey!” The one with the spear jabbed me with the pointy end. “Ghuh ras jyar kkar,” one who seemed to be the leader stepped forward and spat the words. Damn, not English then, there goes communication. “Ghuh ras jyar kkar!” he yelled, clearly angry. The one with the spear jabbed me again, “ahh, hey my legs” I pointed, hoping the gesture would mean more to them than the words. The talkative one nodded and point to another who stood within the mass of bodies which now enclosed me from all directions. The new one knelt and undid the rope which held tightly around my legs.

Two more stepped forward and yanked me to my feet roughly. At least they didn’t seem to notice the threat, my Glora mark V sidearm which still stood strapped to my leg in its thigh holster, posed to them.

The roar of the ships engines suddenly filled everything. One moment there was nothing the next the, world seemed to explode with sound.

Girl be damned, an in atmosphere warp was one of the riskiest moves a pilot could pull. Nonetheless whether luck or skill she had managed it perfectly. The crowd started running. Fleeing from this unknown threat. Only the two that held me, the talkative one remained, even spear boy had fled. The ones that remained stood staring in awe of the black mass that lay above them.

I took the opportunity, dropping to the ground pulling my entire weight down with me. The sudden shift in mass brought the two holding me down as well. Their head collided as they fell, both were unconscious instantly. The talkative one still stood, staring into the belly of my ship as the ramp lowered. “Hey asshole,” I tapped his shoulder, as he span around to meet me, his face locked in an expression of awe and my fist came up to meet him he fell unconscious instantly.

“Okay kiddo, drop a rope I’ll climb up.” I said into the radio which sat on my wrist.

“Sure you can manage the climb old man?” she jested, voice slightly static from the radio.

“Not that old yet, just lower the rope.” I smiled, it wasn’t the first time she had joked about my age, or the first time I had joked about hers.

“Coming down,” a different voice came over the radio, accent dripping off of every word. Oh so very British. It was Robbie. A rope ladder tumbled out from the open ramp and I grabbed hold. The sound of the engine raised an octave and the ship climbed. Well that gives me a time limit, I thought smirking, it was something I would have done.

Soon enough I finally did make it to the lip of the ramp. A hand stretched out over the edge, I grabbed it and pulled, bringing myself into the ship. No sooner had I landed sprawled out across the ramp it started to raise. A small hiss came from where the ramp met the met the hull of the ship and sealed, air tight ready for the move out of atmosphere.

“That was cruel, kiddo” I said still sprawled out across the deck breathing heavily. After the run, the fight and the climb combined I really was exhausted.

“Learnt from the best,” she smiled extending her hand to help me to my feet.

“You’re getting old sir” Robbie exclaimed, projecting himself into the room next to Abbie. They laughed together.

“Ahhh the benefits of a smart AI” I retorted. “Come on we best get to the buyer before I die of old age.” I winked towards both of them and stepped through the projection which was Robbie.

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