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"what the absolute fuck was that chad!" max shouts as he paces frantically, it was nialls' motel room, carpeted floor stained with cheep beer from the drinking he, max and chad had been doing the night before. the blondes' clothes thrown about the room, chairs moved, the shity t.v atop the dresser buzzed with static.

"like fuckin' hell i know! shits fuckin' crazy 'n your yellin' at me like i fuckin' know what the shits goin' on? ya cunt!" the large man yells back, his heart's pounding, hearing blood rushing through his body. niall sits at the table; empty beer cans and shot glasses scattered on the surface jump slightly as niall anxiously drums his fingers, his mind is racing with ideas, with possible solutions to get his friends and himself out of the mess they were in now.

"this is fucked! this is so fucked guys! i-man what the fuck man!" max stops at the wall by the window, the blinds and fake velvet shades drawn closed. "fuck...fuck! fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! f-fucking shit..." the thinner aussie punches the wall with each f-bomb as hard as he can muster, slamming his fists against the dingy, dirty wall until loud pops rang throughout the room.

tears welling in his eyes at his newly broken fingers. max leans his head against the wall, slowly, he slides down until he's sitting, back facing his friends, staring down the speck of dirt that mocked him. he felt sick, disgusting, vile; the tears finally fall.

max was always an ugly crier.

niall and chad had no idea how to comfort their friend-especially in the situation they were in now.

chad quietly made his way over to nialls' disgusting looking bed, taking a seat as he listened to his best friends loud sobs.

"...the only thing i can think of right now is to get even more drunk...other than that-i'm drawin' a huge fuckin' blank." both aussies look at niall in confusion.

"what about the asshole in the fuckin' bathtub? we s'posed to just ignore that 'n get fucked up?" chad asks getting up from his spot. niall shrugs as he picks up the shot glasses on the table, pouring himself a shot of whatever they had left and two more for his friends.

there was a tense silence as niall knocked his shot back, cringing at the burning in his throat. he waited for his companions to join him for awhile before sighing and setting up yet another shot for himself. max was the first to take the offer, feeling defeated, guilty and a little bit thirsty.

"why not? we'll be arrested soon anyway-never know when we'll ever get drunk again...com'on chad; one last one for the road?" the smaller australian bargains cradling his arm. chad finally gives and joins his friends.

the three hold their shot glasses in a toast but nothing is said. "well fuckin' say somethin' already cunts!" max shouts causing niall to flinch but he smiles a small smile, happy to spend his last drinks with his two favorite idiots.

chad takes a deep breath, stalling to think of something, "to our last bit of fuckin' freedom. and to pussy!" he adds last second. they all laugh and drink their drinks simultaneously recoiling at the taste. just happy in each other's company for one more time.

one last laugh. one last drink. one last good time before they're arrested for vehicular manslaughter.

but the bathroom door slams open and there stands the bloodied man they accidentally ran down while driving. the one that chad had been forced to stuff in the back seat with max, who had cried and swore and whined and vomited the whole ride back to nialls' room. the man who's pulse chad hadn't felt when they all got out of the car to see if he were alive.

there he was, a scowl etched into his face. pure hatred in his eyes as he watched his would-be murderers getting even more drunk. he was beyond pissed now. running him over? sure-whatever they're drunk. but essentially kidnap his body and drink even more? now you're a real asshole.

"hey you fucks! what the fuck are you doing? why the hell didn't you just leave me on the side of the road like normal fucking human beings?"

"and do any of you fucking morons have a cigarette?"

"and do any of you fucking morons have a cigarette?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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