Jungkook stared at you from afar, holding a small scarlet colored box, scarlet was your favorite color.

It's been 10 years since you both last saw each other.

You and Jungkook were childhood buddies, but sadly, Jungkook has to go overseas to continue his education.

But now he's back, and was staring at you from afar being lovely dovey with your boyfriend.

You were just not his childhood friend, you're also his childhood crush.

Jungkook decided to not disturb you and your boyfriend's moment, it would be disrespectful for him to show up suddenly while you were on a date with your boyfriend.

So he left.

He was suppose to surprise you today, letting you know that he's back.

For the past eight years, you grew up into a beautiful woman, you changed a lot.

And Jungkook fell in love with you more.

Sure he has met a lot of prettier girls than you overseas, he even fell in love with them once but your golden heart always makes him fall back to you.

You, however, fell in love with another man.

You did have a crush on Jungkook...

But feelings does change.

"Jungkook?" You said, your eyes wide.

You saw Jungkook sitting on the couch when you arrived home after having a date with your boyfriend.

Jungkook smiled at you, "Hey Y/N, it's been 10 years..." you teared up before embracing the older in your arms.

"I missed you Kookie..." You said, Jungkook circled his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.

You pulled away, smiling brightly.

"You grew taller..." You said, Jungkook laughed.

When both of you were younger, you were a bit taller than him, you always pats his head and everytime you do it he'll always glare at you, annoyed.

Now he's taller, and you had to admit, he got gorgeous as well.

"Y/N sweetie! Jungkook has been waiting for you for four hours already," Your mom suddenly spoke, you saw her walking down the stairs.

"Really?" You said, shocked, "You didn't get bored?" Jungkook shook his head.

"Your mom was here with me so yeah I didn't." He said

Both you and Jungkook talked about the memories of the both of you have when you guys were younger.

"I remember you kicking Namjoon's ass that time!" You laughed, Jungkook laughed as well, staring at you full of admiration.

It was 12 years ago, you got bullied by Namjoon for being an idiot and low grades.

Of course you cried but eventually, Jungkook arrived in time so he kicked Namjoon's ass for making you cry.

"And now that guy is my boyfriend..." You mumbled.

Yes, after thay incident, Namjoon said sorry to you also wanting to be friends.

After Jungkook left that time, you were a crying mess, Namjoon also found out that you have a crush on him.

So Namjoon didn't leave your side, he understood you, and always cheered you up.

And that's why you fell for him.

Jungkook looked at you, "Namjoon was by yourside all these years?" he questioned.

You nodded as an answer.

"You know Kookie, I kinda had a crush on you when we were little," You shyly said, Jungkook slightly blushed.

"You did?" You nodded.

Jungkook remember the gift he should be giving you.

"Oh here, I almost forgot to give it to you." Jungkook pulled out a small scarlet box.

"Thank you! You shouldn't have, if I have known you were coming back I should've bought you a present too!" Jungkook shook his head.

"It's okay, it was a surprise." He said, you smiled at him and opened the box.

Just to find a golden bracelet.

"Why does this looks so familiar?" You said, Jungkook chuckled.

Then a memory flashed,

"Kookie, look what mom got me!" You shouted, running to the boy.

You showed him two gold-colored bracelet.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at you, "What's with that?" he questioned.

You smacked his head, "It's a friendship bracelet you idiot!"

Jungkook rubbed his head, "Why did you smack me?!" he glared at you.

You just stuck your tongue at him, "But anyways, it's fake gold so don't worry but mom said that I'll give the other one to my best friend and you are my best friend, so take the other one!" You smiled at him, Jungkook stared at the two bracelets sitting on your palm.

Jungkook smiled at you before getting the other one, wearing it.

"Thanks Y/N." He smiled, admiring the bracelet.

You also wore the other one, "Promise me you'll not lose it even if it's fake? It's the sign of our friendship!" you said.

Jungkook nodded at you, but you're not convinced.


Jungkook rolled his eyes but laughed.


"Woah you remembered that?" You said, Jungkook nodded.

"I kinda lost the mine..." You glared at him.

"You little—"

"But that's why I bought another one! And it's real gold." He smiled at you, before raising his right arm pulling down his sleeves, revealing another golden bracelet.

You smiled at him before wearing yours as well, "Thanks Jungkook."

You both continued the day sharing stories and laughing together.

I guess, we're just best friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Jungkook thought.


The ending sucks, well—

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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