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Blood, sweat and tears. Passion and rage. Izuku wasn't going to let all of his hard work go to waste.

"This is what you've been training for. Now go out there and show us who Izuku Midoriya really is."

"Yes, Overhaul." A plague mask now covered the once shy face of a boy with a dream. Now he was wearing the mug of someone with a goal. A goal that will be fulfilled no matter the cost.
"We're pulling up on our final match, ladies and gentlemen! First up is Shouto Todoroki and his opponent, Katsuki Bakugou both from class 1A!" Present Mic screamed into the microphone.

"C'mon Icy-Hot! You've refused to use your fire in all of your fights!" Bakugou hit him with a large explosion, "Now use it on me!"

The two boys went back and forth, hitting each other with everything they had. The crowd stood up on their feet and jumped in excitement at every dodge and attack. It was basically any bodies game.

The screams and clapping were shut out. A deep breath was taken. An eye was locked onto it's target. Sweat dripped down the side of his cheek. All it took was one squeeze of the finger and...


"Shit!" Bakugou fell to the ground, cradling his arm, "What the hell was that!?"

"Bakugou!" Todoroki ran over to see what was wrong, "Are you alright? Can you move your arm?"

"Don't touch me!" Bakugou shooed off everybody who ran to his aid. He struggled to hold up his twitching hand. Then in that moment, his world stopped. "Wh-Why can't I use my quirk?"

From atop the building there were two men in coats crouched down onto their stomachs. "Bullsey." One of them smirked.

"Wow. You actually did it." They watched the scene down below unfold. Confusion consumed everyone in the venue. "Feels like just yesterday you struggled to make a basket in the trash bin. Now here you are, shooting a moving target from the peak of a stadium." The man put his hand on the younger ones shoulder, "I'm proud of you, Deku."

No words were exchanged. Deku stood up, the wind blowing his hood off allowing his green hair to wisp freely. A sigh left his lips as relief and bliss filled his body. Finally. "Let's go, Chrono."
It finally happened. I finally did it. All of that hard work and training was leading up to this day and I accomplished my goal. Now he's going to know what it feels like to be quirkless. He's going to understand what it feels like to not have your dreams come true. He's going to feel like a nobody. "The boy that could have been." That's all Katsuki Bakugou is now.

An intoxicating sense of power was flowing through Izuku's body like a narcotic. He felt invincible. Euphoric.  Numb. Like floating on a cloud that was taking you up higher to space to where you could look down on everyone and everything beneath you. He felt like a god that could take everything away from you with a snap of the fingers. Never in Izuku's life had he felt so strong, and he didn't want to lose this feeling no matter what.

Deku was lost in thought that he didn't even realize that he was standing in front of a door that had locks on it. Slowly, he unlocked each one and pushed the door open to see a little girl sitting criss cross on her bed, staring at the TV. "Eri?" She looked over at Deku and wiggled around to hide underneath her blankets. "Hey..." his heart hurt watching as the little girl tried getting away from him. "It's me, Eri. Please don't do that."

"I don't like the mask." She admitted sadly. "It makes you look scary."

Deku looked down at the lump in the blankets. He took off his plague mask and placed it on the foot of the bed. Gently, he put his hand on her leg, "You can look now. It's alright." Eri's fingers clutched at the edge of the blankets. She slowly brought the covers down past her chin but her eyes were still closed. "You can open them up. Don't be scared."

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